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Hunk of Cheese

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Everything posted by Hunk of Cheese

  1. You are my favorite person this week. You saved my orbiting science station. Thank you!
  2. Does your craft have a klaw? Here is a thread describing what looks exactly like my version of this problem, and a fix: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100286-BUST-Claw-Frozen-Stuck-Orbits-Breaking-Infinite-Acceleration http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-KSP-v1-0-4-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules-%28Release-v1-0-4b-2-1-Aug-15%29?p=2115007&viewfull=1#post2115007
  3. I have the same bug, reproducible. The only mod I'm using is KerbalEngineer Redux, which I will try removing when I get the chance. For me, the bug started when I docked to a strange vessel -- I had a little probe built onto my science station attached by clamp-o-tron, Jr., but I built it wrong so when I decoupled the clamp-o-tron the probe stayed stuck and wouldn't separate. Then later I added a docking port to the science station by bringing up a claw adapter, with claw on one end and clamp-o-tron, Jr. on the other end, attaching it to the stuck-on probe of my vessel. Now, whenever I try to dock or undock, the game goes nuts. As I cross some invisible boundary of a couple Km distance, either entering or leaving, or if I enter time acceleration inside the bubble together, whichever vessel does *not* have the focus gets wildly shaken (small vessels survive ok, large ones come apart), both vessels get locked together (distance won't change no matter what, engine burn stops affecting orbit) and this locked together orbit starts slowly moving away from Kerbin without changing shape. Stays circular but just moves away. If I wasn't accelerating before, and I do time acceleration, I get the same message, "cannot warp while under acceleration". Nigeth, is any of this similar to your buggy save?
  4. I loaded a bunch of EVA reports etc. onto my Mobile Processing Lab, waiting until it has room to store more data. I want to take the valuable surface samples with me back to Kerbin, while leaving the EVA Reports on orbit for processing later. When I "take data" from an EVA'd kerbal, it takes ALL the data. Is there some way to take data from only some of the experiments?
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