Early going, one of my Mun orbital research shots came up just a tad short on fuel while trying to return to Kerbal - fuel ran out with a return Periapsis of ~95,000 - a permanent highly ecliptic orbit. Thought about that for a few minutes, realized that my now empty rocket stage and attached science suite definitely count as reaction mass, lined them up and decoupled at Kerbal Apoapsis - that dropped my orbit to about 65,000. I might clip just enough kerbal atmosphere on each pass that my orbit would decay in several passes at that rate, but poor Jebadiah would be up there for weeks in all likelihood. Time for plan B. What is Plan B? Well, this is early Kerbal, and these plucky pioneers aren't afraid to get their hands dirty, so good old Jeb did what any space pilot would do in his position - he got out and pushed. About 20 seconds of retro-braking from his suit jets up at ~8,000,000km apoapsis was enough to push the capsule's periapsis down to 25km - easily low enough for a comfortable re-entry insertion. Drinks are on Kerbal command when Jeb gets back.