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Posts posted by Txzeenath

  1. 2 hours ago, raxo2222 said:

    It seems like not upgraded thermal generator.

    Thermal generation efficiency is cut in half for open gas core.

    IMO, the part that makes it kinda confusing/misleading, is that it displays the "_totalEff" variable, which is the efficiency of both the thermal source as well as the generator. It seems to make perfect sense in the code just by the variable names and such, but ingame it's not really clear what you're looking at.


    If both parts show an efficiency, I'd expect each to reflect the efficiency of that singular part. Which I think is what caused @Liquid5n0w confusion.


    Current display:

    carnotEff = 1.0f - coldBathTemp / hotBathTemp;
    _totalEff = carnotEff * pCarnotEff * attachedThermalSource.ThermalEnergyEfficiency;
    float percentOutputPower = (float)(_totalEff * 100.0);
    OverallEfficiency = percentOutputPower.ToString("0.00") + "%";


    Expected display (rough):

    carnotEff = 1.0f - coldBathTemp / hotBathTemp;
    _totalEff = carnotEff * pCarnotEff * attachedThermalSource.ThermalEnergyEfficiency;
    float percentOutputPower = (float)(carnotEff * pCarnotEff * 100.0); //Provide current efficiency of carnot cycle
    OverallEfficiency = percentOutputPower.ToString("0.00") + "%";




  2. 46 minutes ago, Liquid5n0w said:

    I used hyper edit to intentionally push the waste heat high to see how the efficiency changed.  The molten salt seems to work fine, but the efficiency of the thermal electric generator just stays at 11% no matter how much heat.

    Ahh, yeah, I didn't see the extra info boxes off to the sides or the additional image. I see now :-p


    I agree, regardless of your configuration, you should see an efficiency change from 0-100% simply due to how the generators work.




    From the code, it looks like it might be using the efficiency of the source as well as the generator which might be causing some confusion in the display. The gas core has only about 50% efficiency. I could be wrong, I haven't looked at the code for this mod much so it's still kinda a maze to me.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Liquid5n0w said:

    The gas core is floating in orbit and getting 11% eff at all temps.  Something isn't working.

    @FreeThinker I just realized the imgur album didn't attach properly.  I have edited the post and just added a link to it


    From that image, your waste heat is really high. You likely need more/better radiators to cool the generator.

    A heat based generator works essentially the same as a water turbine. If the water can't flow, you get no power, regardless of how much water you have available.

  4. 19 minutes ago, MatterBeam said:

    KSPI-E is rather realistic, much more complex and much more powerful (like a 64GW reactor and a 100000 Isp rockets ect).

    Near Future is much more realistic despite concessions towards gameplay, quite complex but very weak (like 100kW reactors and 2kN engines).

    USI is not realistic at all, easy to handle and balanced towards stock gameplay.

    Mine, Year2200, is rather realistic, but easy to handle and with decent power levels (like 1.5GW reactors and 1000 Isp rockets).


    I don't really consider most of the other systems as comparable to this or KSPI-E, since they seem to fall closer to enhanced/improved stock, versus "kerbals on steroids". But being essentially a minimalist KSPI-E, I could see a niche for that.

    My usual worry on any game when I start seeing mods that have a lot of overlap, is that it essentially causes a divide and "dilutes" the options to players. But having a lightweight KSPI could be beneficial as I've seen a fair number of people turn away or be discouraged by interstellar due to the complexity.

    I'm curious how compatibility will be in the future, say, if I wanted to create a MM patch to make the parts use interstellar's units for mixing/matching (pfft. who needs balance :-p).

  5. 15 hours ago, stali79 said:

    Flies perfectly fine with FAR. As for specific FAR support is concerned i have no idea but my testing install flies the parts in game perfectly fine and i have FAR installed


    I assume as long as your mesh is "clean" it should work automatically since FAR generates a voxel cloud for the vessel. Perhaps it would have mattered in older versions but now it's essentially self-configuring.

  6. I'm assuming the people "freaking out" have never worked in any sort of development. Whether it's software, manufacturing, processing, whatever. There is always turnover, whether it's at the top or the bottom. It happens anywhere, but it tends to be higher in the "skilled trades" since in a way it's a form of art, and people are always looking to do more or get burned out with tedium.

  7. 1 hour ago, Drelam said:

    Like, what does it need to get the ATTILA thruster to work? What kind of fuel or reactor does it need? Is there a electrical generator required? How do these things have to be arranged to work properly?

    Part of that you can see by looking at the info tab on the part. If it requires MW/MJ, you need generators. If it requires heat, you need to attach it to a high temperature reactor, or a microwave thermal receiver (I believe charged particles can also be converted to heat, but I can't recall).


    ATILLA is an electric engine, so your best combo IMO would be a reactor with high charged particle output, a charged particle electric generator, some radiators, and your engine.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Sereneti said:

    i had managed to put a satelit (with some solar-panels and a big Microwave transmitter in a low-solar-orbit).
    Is there a option to use the microwave-energy to accelerate atmosphere as working-mass?

    it looks like, i can only use fuel as working-mass  if i want to use electrical energy...

    Most of the engines can use atmosphere as a propellant, but you need air intakes. I'm guessing you don't have air intakes so it won't show as a valid source. Plasma is good for this, since it can use atmosphere and then switch to vacuum mode. No fuel needed. You just need a lot of power.

  9. 49 minutes ago, SciMan said:


    Why would someone need something that powerful?

    What if someone doesn't want to use warp drives on cargo ships, but they still want the stuff to get there before KSP 1.2 is released? Warp drives should not have a monopoly on relatively rapid travel to very distant planets or other stars.

    What if someone wants to move around a large class-D or any Class-E asteroid? How are they going to get enough thrust to move around the 800-2000 tons of mass those have? This task takes a lot of thrust no matter what the specific impulse may be. Using a magnetic nozzle would take a long time, probably months of in-game time.


    My current mothership I'm working on is about 34k tons fully loaded (think star wars drone carrier ship). This is relevant to my interests :-p.

  10. 22 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

    Although it is very easy to do this, the reason I 'm reluctant is because of balance concerns due to scale factor that increase faster than exponent 3. By default Tweakscale only allows a fixed growth scale , when resizing. Then properties scale faster than exponent 3, the part become effectively more powerful  for the mass it requires. Now you could argue to change the growth scale to 3, but this would disproportionate unbalance shrinked parts, like nuclear power reactors. The only exception to this problem would be part which are already wary large to begin with like Magnetically Confined Fusion reactors or the QSR.


    Primarily the engines I would like to see scalable. A couple QSR/AM reactors isn't too bad, but having 24 or so plasma engines + thrust plates is a bit irritating. While scaling the engines to 10m+ might be slightly imbalanced, it is counteracted a bit by the power requirements, and the mass of most of these engines are already negligible for TWR they're capable of.

    Currently i'm using a couple of the HX HPD engines supplied power from KSPI-E reactors, simply because I can't scale up the engines enough.

    An idea for flexibility I also had was maybe a "Negative Mass Generator", depending how hard it is to scale the mass of parts on the fly. Only problem is finding a plausible theory on how it works. Thinking of mass as "curving" space, negative mass would curve it the opposing direction. But seeing as it breaks almost everything in physics mathematically, it wouldn't really work (besides maybe theoretical negative matter).

  11. 6 hours ago, raxo2222 said:


    Can we have ability to resize QSR to 10 meters and umbrella radiators (perfect to leave thermal energy in somewhat one direction) to 30 meters?

    This way we could reduce part count. on our motherships - 10x heavier mothership can carry 10x heavier SSTO with same TWR.


    I would like to see all of the parts scalable up to 10m. Making a large 10m or 20m 6,000T+ mothership requires quite a few copies of various parts which makes the build a bit of a chore. Especially when some don't even scale to 5m.


    I know it's not a difficult change, but i hate doing my own edits since I like to keep my mods updated lol.

  12. Yep it was a macbook. But water damage is what killed it. I dropped a big ass gin & tonic on it, so the whole thing wasn't submerged or anything, but it wont boot up.

    The data should be recoverable if you really want it. If it was a standard HDD, water alone won't destroy it, even if the motor and board inside are dead, you can send it out to have the data from the plates pulled off.

  13. Hi,

    I am encountering a little problem with the mod. First of all when I load up a vessel the game runs at 5 frames every 4 seconds, the radiators turn cyan and the KSP.log spams the following:

    As the interstellar radiators are the only ones in the scene I would think it has something to do with this mod.


    Picture of the cyan radiators.

    btw the mod installaton was runnig fine before the 1.04 update. As long there are no radiators in the scene everything is running nice past the 1.04 update.

    best regards.

    Getting the same error now myself. Ever find the cause?

  14. Personally, i'll never use this site. The overall layout is unpleasant as everything is oversized with ridiculous CSS effects. There is no proper navigation and page space is wasted.

    You should have very minimal vertical scrolling to display content that people want, which means maximizing space across the horizontal plane. Text should be large enough to read easily, but small enough to were you can read multiple sections at once. Which promotes skim-reading and improves usability.

    CSS effects should be minimal and non-intrusive. The sliding bars are extremely distracting and add nothing, since the buttons are already massive.

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