When I hit 'control from here' on my docking port, I can no longer fire any RCS thrusters. Even clicking back on the original capsule's 'control from here' button doesn't re-enable them. I'm left without any propulsion to complete the final 100m of my first docking attempt. I have a Munar lander which I'm attempting to dock with an orbiting lab. Within a km of each other, so switched the lander (most manoeuvrable) to RCS, and to docking mode, and moved to within 100m. Then I hit the 'control from here' button on the lander's Clamp-o-Tron Docking Port. This resulted in a small bump in my camera view (expected), and a message 'no target' or similar. I re-targeted the lab I'm docking with. But now I find I cannot fire any RCS thrusters. I still have plenty of mono, and I see the indicators moving in the docking instruments when I press movement keys. I can switch between linear or rotational. Switching back to staging mode and then docking mode doesn't help. Even clicking on the original landing can's "control from here" button doesn't help. (The camera switches back to centered on the can, but I *still* can't fire any RCS thrusters.) My docking port is sitting on top of a materials bay, that is sitting on top of my landing can. Does anyone have any ideas what I might be doing wrong?