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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Trying to use the Strut alignment and it works, but after I press U and the strut is placed I am not able to click on anything in the editor. I can work around it by saving and reloading the craft. Anyone else having this?
  2. I would be ok with a system that allowed for an changes to ISP and thrust as a balanced trade off. An experienced kerbal pilot could boost thrust in favor of efficiency or vice versa. What I don't want to see is this happening automatically. Something in the right click menu for an engine or other part that was only available with your ace kerbals on board would be fine with me. Kerbal exits the craft and buffs go away. Kerbal experience should absolutly boost Funds/Rep/Science. Max
  3. I realize that marking it as a Request may have been the incorrect thing to do. I was requesting information and was unsure if that was apropos or not. I am unsure how to remove it, but would happily do so if that is proper.
  4. Please allow me to clarify. The second part of the OP was "if it is something people would want". I have never developed a mod for KSP before. I work in Information Technology and have some experience with programing. As per the forum rules I posted the topic to insure that this wasn't something already devloped by someone else and to gauge interest in such a mod. With the intent of possibly setting out to create it myself if there was any interest. I would not rather someone spend 10hrs developing something for just me. I do not intend or seek to offend anyone, nor waste their time. If I have done something incorrectly, then I apologize. If I misinterpreted the proper way to post, again I apologize. My intent was to perhaps develop something small that would give back to the community.
  5. I'm confused. It sounds like the recommended solution to the rather small task of planning a burn to circularize an orbit is to install a full autopilot system and then turn off 99% of what that mod does.
  6. -L/Ox and/or Monoprop powered electrical generator -Mk1 inline cockpit IVA Max
  7. I am interest to know if such a thing already exists or if it is something people would want. I do not use MechJeb and in general limit mods to those that provide more information. I like to fly everything myself. But, what I do find myself wanting is a easy button for creating a maneuver node at my current Ap that will circularize my orbit. If this is something people are interested in I may try my hand at writing it myself. Max
  8. Banned for not having a reason to ban someone
  9. Huge understatement! This mod isn't just important, it is first on my list for "should be stock" "cannot play without" "if only I had a mod that allowed me to..." in the world of mods. You have my thanks! Max PS. Thanks again!
  10. I attempted my first Tylo landing last night. Just a probe and as small as I knew how to make it. It failed, sorta. The very top of the vehicle survived crashing into the surface at almost 200m/s. The probcore, most of the batteries, nuke power source and the antenna were all intact. I was able to transmit science from the surface so the contract to "explore Tylo" was completed. Not a total failure, but very very close. Needed more TWR, decent was powered by a LV-N and although it had more than enough DeltaV not enough punch to overcome Tylo gravity. Live and learn... Max
  11. Nope, SOI change was 70 ish days away. I came back to focus on the mission after about 10days game time and found the orbit had changed.
  12. I decided Kerbin needed another moon so I went hunting for a class E asteroid to put into LKO. Found a nice candidate in the tracking station and sent a very small pathfinder probe with a Klaw out to measure the mass and estimate the needed DeltaV for the redirect. Built a (5)LV-N powered pusher ship with enough fuel to move the rock by ~100m/s, more than twice the needed course change for a equatorial aerocapture at ~40Km. After three different burns everything was set, all I had to do was wait for a minor 4m/s burn once I was in Kerbin SOI. Or so I thought. I had other things to attend to in the program that were to happen before the SOI change in just under 70days. Time passes. Came back to the redirect mission to find that the orbit had shifted radially by 240m/s in just 10 days. Is this: 1- A glitch in the physics engine? 2- The result of the changed mass of the rock with my ship still attached? (yes it's big, but not compared to the 3KTon rock) Anyone seen this before? ~Max
  13. Banned for excessive use of word: (banning)
  14. So very pleased to see these parts incorporated into the stock game. This was the only mod I ever ran that added parts other then KER. Well done! (scurries off to purchase ticket for .25 Hypetrain) ~M
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