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  1. OK. I am including two images. The first is of my location when performing the experiments: and the second is of the report Im given. It says I will get 83 science but nothing for transmitting. Does this mean that I am going to have to send a probe that far and then retrieve it to get the data or am I missing something that is not letting me transmit? Again thank you all for making this clear to me. As you can tell i have not been playing long and like to figure things out for myself, but this has stumped me.
  2. Ok here is where I get lost. I performed the tests high in Mun's orbit while manned, but then tried doing an unmanned prob and sent it far...far...far away...when I ran the test it said i got 200+ points (never got that number before) but said that i couldn't get any if I transmitted. So even if the difference is Mun's surface and past Jool I( still won't get any xp? it seems that performing the same test that far out would give me something.....
  3. OK...So Im kinda new so Im not sure whats going on and I'm hoping someone will be kind enough to explain to a novice. I launched a probe and made sure it had some batteries and solar panels to recharge the batteries. All is good and the probe is pretty far from home. I ran the experiments and got a high number of science for it, but it says that transmitting will get me 0% I tried sending it and it was transmitted perfectly but for some reason i got no science for it. Is there a reason for this? am I too far from home to transmit? Am I doing something wrong (the most likely option) thank you for your time and for your help.
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