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Dokkter Oktoberfest

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. i landed on laythe for the first time! it was really exciting. you see, im not really that amazing at the game but, i made this rocket that is so good. i mean, SO. GOOD. i just cant get the landing module up to the orbiting thing. i thought i might have been able to return, but i dont think i can.. so then i landed a rover there knowing i wouldnt have to bring it back since i couldnt.
  2. Well, I did it! With my empire reaching to an expansion of another planet, Duna, nothing will stand in our way. We will rise above all with glory and triumph. in other words I'm extremely happy to have landed on Duna. What should I go for next?
  3. I never used this mod but.. did it run out of electricity? If there are no kerbals in obviously
  4. oh, I said 2 for kerbin, day and night. I didn't say there needed to be day and night musics for different planets or moons but that could work too.
  5. I actually have been considering it after checkin around with some stuff in the Tracking Center. I didn't know eve had gravity like that, so thanks Javster for pointing that out. I also have built a base on the mun and minmus, so I'm thinking of getting out of Kerbin's SOI for once on purpose.
  6. If you've seen my intro on the "welcome aboard" section thingie then you know where this is going. First, it would be nice to have music for all the different planets/moons. I think it could add a nicer atmosphere to the planet/moon. and maybe on Kerbin there can be music for day and music for night. I would also like clouds. I don't really know what else to say about it, clouds would just be nice. Maybe a city called Kerbin City like in that mod would be pretty cool. Except I don't want a name like Kerbin City, I would like something more creative (no offense to anybody). I mean, there aren't any cities on Earth called Human City, so maybe the city could have a nice name that would be normal to find. Lastly, I would like for mining to be an option. Maybe there could be a building in KSC for building things from materials you get from other planets, and you could get more parts. That's really all for my suggestions. Unless you want to read my next one which is never going to be added or liked, which would be have one planet have a boss on it that you can fight and it's all tense and if you win the fight you get a fuel tank that never runs out or a capsule that never breaks or a thruster that thrusts really fast or something. I don't know how to properly end this paragraph.
  7. Thanks for those, they are pretty helpful. Also, I have no idea what ninja'd means so yeah
  8. Hello, I actually had this game for a few days and taught myself some stuff about things in the game. I landed on the moon today (YES I DID IT) and it's the first time for me to land on another celestial body in ksp. I need a few tips on how to get to another planet, more specifically, Eve, and back. Also, I have some suggestions for the developers to do in the game that I think would be pretty cool. First, it would be nice to have music for all the different planets/moons. I think it could add a nicer atmosphere to the planet/moon. and maybe on Kerbin there can be music for day and music for night. I would also like clouds. I don't really know what else to say about it, clouds would just be nice. Maybe a city called Kerbin City like in that mod would be pretty cool. Except I don't want a name like Kerbin City, I would like something more creative (no offense to anybody). I mean, there aren't any cities on Earth called Human City, so maybe the city could have a nice name that would be normal to find. Lastly, I would like for mining to be an option. Maybe there could be a building in KSC for building things from materials you get from other planets, and you could get more parts. That's really all for my suggestions. Unless you want to read my next one which is never going to be added or liked, which would be have one planet have a boss on it that you can fight and it's all tense and if you win the fight you get a fuel tank that never runs out or a capsule that never breaks or a thruster that thrusts really fast or something. I don't know how to properly end this paragraph.
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