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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by chrisl
I've been encountering the same issue with the "Dawn" engine in the latest release of KSP2. I've got 4 different probes. One is in an eliptical orbit around Eve, which gets no thrust while under time warp. I have a second in an eliptical orbit around Jool which DOES get thrust while under time warp. I have a third that did a sample return mission from Moho. That one did not get thrust while it was in Moho SOI, but did get thrust under time warp for a number of correction burns I needed to do while it was returning to Kerbin (so while in Kerbol SOI). But once it got into Kerbin SOI, it no longer had thrust under time warp. And finally I have a fourth that it touring the moons of Jool. That one has thrust under time warp while in Jool SOI and not close to any of the moons, but once it gets close (or is in) a moon's SOI, thrust under time warp stops working. I've not sent a probe like this out to Dres or Eeloo yet, so not sure about those two, but as far as I can tell, the "Dawn" engine can only support thrust under time warp when the probe in question is a long way from the center of a SOI and not close to an SOI interface.
I edited 8 lines in the copy of "RP0_KCTPresets.cfg" that I'm working with. For the most part, the fact that KSP changes "_" to "." in part names isn't an issue because it doesn't effect anything while the game is loading. But from what I can determine, the information in the KCT Presets file is only looked at after the game is running. So it's only variables (specifically Part_Variables) in the KCT Presets file that have to be written differently. And those variables only seem to be related to crewed orbital modules (i.e., Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Vostok, Voskod, Soyuz, etc).
I'd do that (increase build rate) except for two issues. First is cost. I have a level 2 VAB so it costs me 30000 for a 0.0625 increase. Going from a 1.25 to a 7 would cost something like 2.76mil. I'm already having issues because I run multiple launch sites (Vandenburg, White Sands, Canavaral & Baikunor). And I obviously don't need to update them all to that level, but just getting Canavaral and Baikunor to a 7 would be prohibitively expensive. The "First Orbital Flight (Crewed)" contract is only worth about 1.6mil so that doesn't even cover the cost of upgrading one launch site. Second, if I upgraded the build rate to a 7 so that my manned rockets would be built in a more timely rate, my unmanned rockets would be outrageously fast. At a 7 build rate, my Luna 1 rocket (and probe) would take about 8 days to build while the Vostok would take about 52 days. I get that the man rated capsule probably took longer to assemble and all than the pretty simple Luna 1 impactor probe, but the time difference seems extreme. Finally, it's got nothing to do with my using premade tanks versus PP. My complete Vostok 1 rocket shows build cost 10221, Rollout cost 111476.8 and build time (at 1.25) of about 290d. If I remove the rocket and just look at the Vostok pod, SM, decoupler and parachute (just 4 parts), I'm looking at build cost of 4411, Rollout cost of 75085.1 and build time (at 1.25) of basically 250 days. So my rocket (excluding the Vostok capsule) only costs 5810, with Rollout cost of 36391.7 and build time (at 1.25) of about 40 days. The Rollout Cost of just the launch vehicle still seems a little on the high side, but not outrageously so. And the build cost and build time both seem just fine. It's the Vostok capsule that's the problem. The issue seems to simply be how the Rollout Cost and Build time are calculated for the pod. If I remove everything but the pod itself, that one part has a build cost of 1813 (doesn't seem outrageous), Rollout Cost of 61819.7 (seems VERY high) and build time (at 1.25) of basically 227 days (also seems VERY high). That basically means that 78% of the build time, and 55% of the Rollout Cost, is for a single part which seems crazy. And then the other "manned" rocket I'm working on. My Mercury-Redstone. It's showing build cost 6278, rollout cost 16761.5 and build time 32.5 days. If I take away the launch vehicle and just work with the Mercury capsule it shows build cost 3887, rollout cost 11614.2 and build time 18 days. And the Mercury pod alone shows build cost 3202, rollout cost 9756.8 and build time 14.5 days. There are more parts in the Mercury (9 vs 4 on the Vostok). It's launch mass is 2.722t vs 5.13t for the Vostok. Ultimately, the build time and rollout cost for the Mercury/Redstone is not outrageous. But apparently the heavier (2.502t vs 1.011t), but less expensive (1802 vs 2502), Vostok needs 6 times more rollout cost (61819.7 vs 9756.8) and 15 times more build time (226d21h vs 14d10h). EDIT: So I figured out some of the equation. And some of the reason the Mercury pod is so much less expensive and faster to build than the Vostok. The Mercury pod has ModuleTagAvionics, ModuleTagEngineSolid, ModuleTagHumanRated, & ModuleTagReentry. Vostock has ModuleTagAvionics, ModuleTagHabitable, ModuleTagHumanRated, & ModuleTagReentry. I'm not really sure why the Mercury is tagged as "ModuleTagEngineSolid" since it doesn't have a built in solid rocket motor and I'm not sure why it's not listed as "ModuleTagHabitable". I created a temporary file to reset ModuleTagEngineSolid to ModuleTagHabitable. Now my Mercury pod alone costs 2502, rollout cost of 20175.6 and build time of basically 57days. So that change had an effect of the rollout cost and build time. But it still doesn't explain why the Vostok pod has such a higher rollout cost or build time. The Vostok pod is less expensive and as far as I can tell from the EffectivePartFormula, the mass of the part isn't a factor. Also, the Mercury pod has a higher part variable (0.14166699999999999 vs 0.13750000000000001). So you'd expect the Mercury Pod to have higher rollout cost and build time. Unfortunately, there are some variables in RolloutCostFormula that I can't identify, so I can't determine if there's another error on the Mercury pod or an error on the Vostok pod. EDIT2: So after alot of digging, I think I know what the issue is. So, as a test, I altered the EffectivePartFormula by removing the "[PV]*[MV]*" at the beginning of the equation. Then I went into the VAB and pulled up the Mercury Pod. The KSC site I'm testing at only has a build rate of 1.0. The build time is listed as 21d4h3m31s with a rollout cost of 10369.6. And the Vostok shows 12d3h7m35s with a rollout cost of 8597.8. That makes sense as the part cost for the Mercury capsule is higher than the Vostok. Then I exited the VAB and again adjusted the EffectivePartFormula. This time I just removed the "[MV]*" portion. So I should be including the Part_Variables in the cost. Went back into the VAB. Mercury capsule now shows build time of 3d6h40m51s and rollout cost of 6862.6. So the PV definitely had an effect there. But when I pulled up the Vostok pod, the build time remained 12d3h7m35s with a rollout cost of 8597.8. So it looks like there is an issue with the Part_Variables for rn_vostok_sc being applied to the EffectivePartFormula which is obviously going to throw off the BP and rollout cost for the part. And I believe I know what is causing the issue. Kerbal replaces the underscore character (_) in part names with a period (.). So even through the part file says "rn_vostok_sc", in Kerbal the part is listed as "rn.vostok.sc". I created a copy of the RP0/RP1 KCT preset file, then modified the name of the part to reflect periods instead of underscores. This time when I pull the part up in the VAB I get a build time of 1d22h46m5s and rollout cost of 6602. So it looks like KCT isn't have it's part variable names altered from underscores to periods. Which means that will need to be manually done. I've done that to my copy of the file so hopefully I won't have further issues with these pods.
Like I said, I'm not up to Saturn yet but have to say, if Saturn V only costs 150k with a 200k rollout (with your 15% redunction), that isn't nuts. What freaks me out is the 10k build and 111k rollout. I get that Rollout is supposed to cost more than build cost, but that seemed like a pretty extreme difference. Every other rocket I've build (including all the sputnik and luna missions I've run using R7 rockets), the difference between build and rollout has been manageable. Luna 1 (which is basically the same launch vehicle used on Vostok) had a build cost of 6832 and a Rollout cost of 22260 for a total estimated cost of 29k. But apparently adding 4k to the build cost equates to an extra 89k in Rollout costs which seems crazy. Question is, how did you reduce the rollout cost? I know it's the "RolloutCosts" KCT formula but I know some of these formulas are pretty stange. Can I just tack "* 0.15" to the end? And that doesn't address the build time issue, either. My Luna 1 rocket had an estimated 45 day build time. But my Vostok (which, again, uses the same basic launch vehicle) is going to take 298 days. My Luna 1 was only about 9t lighter and cost about 4000 (build cost) less. So it doesn't make a whole lot of sense that it will take over 6 times longer to build the Vostok.
It's been awhile since I posted anything so I'm not even sure I'm in the right place. OP still refers to 1.2.2 and RP-0 while I'm playing on 1.3.1 with RP-1 (v1.00 according to CKAN). If I'm in the wrong place, appreciate directions to the right forum. Anyway..... I've just getting my new career to the point where I'm getting into manned orbital/sub-orbital launches. As with most of my career games, I try to recreate historic rockets. Unlike in most of my previous games, though, this time I'm creating Russian missions along side US missions. So I'm at the point where I'm working on my first unmanned Mercury/Redstone launch while at the same time I'm building my first unmanned Vostok launch. So far I've been able to deal with the "rollout cost" thing without much issue. I did have to create an MM patch so that the prices for Raidernick's R7 tanks were the same price (ie, made no sense that the first two varieties were costed at 125 while all the rest were 12500). But otherwise I've not messed much with costs. So I'm building my Mercury/Redstone. It costs 6,278 in the VAB. And KCT says the Rollout Cost is 16800.7 and will take about 32.5 days to build with a 1.25BP/s. I'm building this at my Canavaral launch site. I'm also building the Vostok at my Baikunor launch site. It also have a 1.25BP/s. VAB says it will cost 10,221 to build. That makes sense as there are more ports so it should be more expenseive. But according to KCT the Rollout Cost is 111476.8 and will take nearly 290 days to build. I get that the Vostok is "more rocket" than the Redstone. It's dry weight is around 29t where the Redstone is only around 9.5t. Wet weight is around 287.5t vs Redstone at 32.6t. But I don't understand why a rocket whose parts are 63% more expensive would have a Rollout cost that's 664% higher or a build time that is 892% longer. At that cost (around 122k) I'd question if the actual contracts would pay for the rocket. At this point I'm probably going to have to cheat and grant myself extra cash both to afford the "rollout cost" for the Vostok and to speed up production so it's even marginally closer to the Redstone. And it's just makes me really worried about what it's going to cost for Voskod, Gemini and Apollo.
I have MM 3.0.6 which I think is the latest version. I manually installed everything. Didn't install from CKAN. But I'm pretty sure I have the procedural payload fairings. I haven't used them yet since I'm still very early in my career (not even a dozen launches yet) but I'm pretty sure I've seen them in my parts list. I have all of the RN parts mods (that I know of anyway), FASA, SSTU, ATK Propulsion, Real Scale Boosters, SXT, & Taerobee but I too only have those few starting engines. Mostly I just tend to build the same two sounding rockets over and over: V-2 and the WAC. It gets old but early career always seems like you're just grinding for early science anyway.
Unfortunately, I have two 1.3.1 installs. My main which has dozens of mods and my test which has bare minimums for RO and RP1. And I've rebuilt the test install numerous times, always with the same result. I suppose it could be something with one of the mod downloads I have (since I don't redownload mods every time I rebuild my test install) but that's a fair number of downloads to pull again. Especially without having some idea which download is the likely culprit. I did redownload the RP-1 dev files but that didn't change anything.
Something I've noticed with RP-1 is that the images you see when you start KSP have changed. That's cool. I like looking as some of what you guys did. But they flash by so fast that I don't really get to look at them much. Plus they get a little disorienting. They only stay on the screen for a second or two. Is there any way to change the length of time before the next image displays?
Maybe this was done intentionally. I'm playing 1.3.1 RO/RP-1. Very early in the career and I noticed something. There is the "ROAerobeeSustainer" which is the generic RO version of the Aerobee sustainer engine for the WAC Corporal and Aerobee sounding rockets. If you happen to have the Taerobee mod, however, you can also choose to use the "taerobee.aerobee" engine which is the same part. Just from a different mod. Thing is, the Taerobee part is in the Early Rocketry tech node while the RO part is in the "Starting Parts" tech node. Is there a reason these two identical engines are in different tech nodes? If not, which node should they be in? I'm guessing the "Starting Parts" node or you wouldn't have any engines to launch early sounding rockets with but I wasn't positive.
Can someone explain the Rollout Cost in RP-1 to me? I'm just starting my RO/RP1 game. Build my first rocket which is an A-4 with some science added in. VAB cost is 585. Rollout Cost is 1335.5 according to KCT. That means it's going to cost me 2.28 times as much to get the rocket on the launch pad than it did to actually build the thing. That doesn't make a lot of sense. The VAB is were you design and build a rocket so shouldn't the cost there include the actual purchase and assembly of the parts? It's not like you can order a bunch of parts but never pay for them because you decide not to rollout the rocket. Shouldn't the Rollout Cost just be the cost of actually moving the finished (and presumably paid for) rocket to the pad and launching it? EDIT: Something else I just ran into. I don't normally create airplanes. Mostly because I can't ever seem to get them to fly correctly (likely because I don't understand the aerodynamics enough) but also because flying a plane with a keyboard where key presses are either on full or off full is very hard. So this is my first time building something in the SPH. And then only so it could be building while I continue to produce sounding rockets. I took one of the starting airplane cockpits then used a procedural tank, the lower half of the A4 rocket (from Taerobee), some winglets and parachutes, and put them altogether to create a rather crude "rocket plane". Initially the costs of the plane was around 500 but I noticed that none of the parts (including the cockpit) included electricity so I added some to the cockpit. That jumped the price of the plane from around 500 to around 4500. 4000 extra just to add a battery (didn't matter if I included 1EC or 400000EC.... cost was the same). That means with a basic SPH (can't afford most KCT upgrade points so the SPH builds at 0.05 BP/s) it's going to take around 1500 days to build a plane. Considering all I did was add electricity to a part that should have already had it (I don't think you can run life support without it), the jump in price and the excessive build time seem inappropriate.
I tried as you suggested. Deleted both my KCT and Magico folders then grabbed both from the build 44 link you provided. Even went so far as to delete the module manager cache just to make sure it rebuilt everything. Same issue. Then I setup a brand new, clean KSP setup and only installed KCT, Magico (both from the build 44 download) and ModuleManager.3.0.6.dll. Far as I can tell, I get the same error. EDIT: I pulled a copy of KCT and MagiCore 1.3.1 from their respective GitHub release pages. Tried those on my clean KSP install and they appear to be working. is just listed as a pre-release and I don't know what changes you made between it and build 44 so not sure if its the best build I should be using. But after a quick check, it does seem to be working.
So I'm starting my 1.3.1 RO/RP1 game but I'm having some trouble right off the bat. I did notice that I was using KCT but I've since corrected that. I'm now using build 44 from the link magico13 provided above. But still, when I click on the Launch button in the VAB, nothing shows up on my build list. I noticed in the log that I'm getting spammed with an error: "Exception: TypeLoadExcpetion: Could not load type 'KSP.UI.BaseCrewAssignmentDialog' from assembly 'KerbalConstructionTime'. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the problem I'm encountering or not. Assistance would be appreciated.
If Heat Pumps mod can be used to help mitigate boil off for long duration flights, can I suggest that it be added as a recommended (or even suggested) mod in the OP? This is the first I'd ever heard of it before. I'll definitely be giving it a try as I get my new 1.3.1 career moving forward. EDIT: One other thing, though this may actually be a change in RF instead of RP-0. In 1.2.2 most of the cryogenic fuels had a field called "boiloffProduct". If you included an empty tank to hold the gas (i.e., an empty Hydrogen tank on a rocket with an LH2 tank), the boiled off gas would fill up this empty tank. In 1.3.1 the "boiloffProduct" field doesn't appear to be included. Has this functionality been removed?
Even with nuclear engines, you still need LH2 which has the worst boil off. I'm not really expecting 0 boil off, especially for a Mars or beyond mission. But should be able to come close to that for a "return to the Moon" mission. Presumably with heat radiators and plenty of insulation. I know the proposed Altair lunar lander was supposed to provide the thrust to enter a high inclination lunar orbit, plus have enough dV left to make a lunar decent to the polar regions. All using RL10 hydrolox engines. Which means a minimum three days (and probably closer to 4-5 days) storage for all that cryogenic fuel. But even using the old Cryogenic tanks that wasn't really feasible unless you launched with a significant amount of extra fuel you intended to lose. As for a mission to Mars, the only thing that makes sense there (even assuming nuclear engines) is heat radiators, plenty of insulation, and some sort of active cryo process that allows you to convert the boiled off H2 back into LH2, presumably through a liquefaction process. But in any event, the first line would be lots of insulation which the new Type 1 through Type 4 tanks don't seem to provide. From what I can see in the config files, all nine tank types have the same 0.01 (LOX, LNH3, LCH4) & 0.0381 (LH2) insulation which according to the notes is no insulation and basic insulation. I'm guessing more types will eventually become available.
I love SSTU stuff. The only issue is that RO has some issues with masses when you use the engine clustering. A single engine always masses correctly. But when you start using the cluster feature, each additional engine weighs twice as much. So a two engine cluster has the same mass as 3 engines. A three engine cluster has the same mass as 5 engines. etc. It's only ever been an issue, though, when I work with big engines (like a cluster of F-1 or RS-25). On a different topic, from what I can tell, none of the new procedural fuel tanks have a cryogenic option. Actually, from what I can tell, all of the new procedural tanks (standard, balloon and SM) have the same wall thickness and insulation. How do you create tanks with insulation? Like for long term storage of cryogenic fuels.
So it sounds like no matter what I'd need to create a number of blank .mu files in Unity, each with a different transform name. At least one for each docking port I wanted to include on a part. I may have to look at setting up my system so I can create those.
[1.12.x] TAC - Life Support v0.18.0 - Release 19th Sep 2021
chrisl replied to JPLRepo's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Is there a way to setup a TacGenericConverter to produce science? -
[1.12] KSP-RO - Realism Overhaul [16 May 2022]
chrisl replied to Theysen's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Technically, all you need is what's in the GameData folder. Some mods might also include a Ships and/or Subassemblies folder which you could copy over as well so you have access to those when AllowStockVessels is true (though I tend to put ships into the Ships folder in my specific savegame files if I plan on using them). But, for the most part, none of the other folders or files are required.- 2,216 replies
- realism overhaul
- ro
(and 1 more)
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Does that NODE method still work in 1.2.2/1.3.1?