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Posts posted by TheScienceGuy120

  1. 11 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    I needs ToadicusTools, which I know you said you installed, but it doesn't appear that you installed the correct version.  Here are links to the correct versions of each:



    Ah, thank you, that did it. Works just fine now! 
    Also, an after thought: maybe you should list ToadicusTools as a dependency on your main page, and link it as well, just so nobody gets confused and so that you don't have to deal with this type of situation again.

  2. Hey, I need some help with this mod. i recently installed it and it doesn't work. i installed both the dependencies, i tried installing the ToadicusTools thing as well, i tried installing the version from spacedock instead, and no matter what i can't get the icon to show up. It does show up under the toolbar controller UI though. Mind helping me with this?


  3. So i have an issue dealing with the Scatterer mod, the one that adds all of the fancy atmosphere and water effects, specifically to do with the post processing of scatterer and the external camera of raster prop monitor.

    Basically: it shows what i'm looking at in the post processing through the exterior camera of raster prop monitor. so for instance, i have a camera pointed at the ground so i can see my stage seperations when in IVA. However, i happen to see the mountains my iva camera is pointing at as well, despite the camera not being pointed at them.

  4. So my previous issue looks to be fixed, thank you for that, but now i have another issue. It's to do with the Post Processing feature, and Raster Prop Monitor.

    Basically: it shows what i'm looking at in the post processing through the exterior camera of raster prop monitor. so for instance, i have a camera pointed at the ground so i can see my stage seperations when in IVA. However, i happen to see the mountains my iva camera is pointing at as well, despite the camera not being pointed at them. The issue seems to fix whenever i disable post processing though. i'm not sure whether this is caused by Scatterer or Raster Prop Monitor, so i'm posting it on both. any help would be appreciated.

  5. Hey, i've got some pretty strange effects going on with the ocean scattering that is really bothering me. I updated today hoping it would be fixed, but no luck. Since i can't figure out how to post screenshots without using Imgur, i'll describe the issue: Basically, i can't change the ocean effects and they're stuck on a really weird thing where they show the blue color but are transparent all the way down to the ocean floor. I can also see the underwater portions of land masses in the distance, such as islands, except they look sort of highlighted. It only does this in flight mode, however. It is completely normal in the view from the VAB. Quite frankly, this is annoying and if anyone could find a fix for me, that would be lovely. 

  6. On 3/20/2018 at 12:13 AM, Dankgum said:

    Log please? Also, I recommend posting this in the RealPlume mod thread or something. You'd get help from the he developers themselves. Just a note.

    hey, sorry it took so long to respond. i took a little break. But, i installed the latest  version of RealPlume stock, and it worked. After that, i noticed that one of the files in it was the main files used for the HotRockets mod, so i installed that and it worked perfectly, even synched up with the atmospheric compression of the thrust! Thank you for your suggestion.

  7. 19 minutes ago, TheScienceGuy120 said:

    Hey! Nice mod, great work on the engine effects! But, i was wondering: is there a way to use the HotRockets particle effects with the exhaust effects from this mod? i could never get HotRockets to work properly after 1.2, so probably not, but i wanted to ask anyway.

    Never mind! i installed hotrockets and it worked perfectly! Thank you for this! 

  8. 13 hours ago, Dankgum said:

    Are you using this in KSP 1.4 or something? You shouldn't be suprised if it's really broken. I'd suggest using RealPlume and the stock configs. It's like HotRockets, but more realistic.

    Hey, yeah, i'm in 1.4. Frankly i never liked RealPlume, because all it changed was the exhaust. i tried powered landings with it and i couldn't see the ground whenever i did that. Frankly i wasn't going for a realistic look, i just really liked the particle effects from HotRockets. I will give it a try though.


    Update: i tried RealPlume. it just crashed my game.

  9. Hello to whoever may be reading this. As you may know by the title, I would like some help in installing a mod, or updating the mod to use myself. It is a rather old mod under the name of HotRockets! Particle FX Replacement. This mod was an engine effects replacer, and has not been updated since 1.1. This mod was one of my personal favorites, and it broke in version 1.2 and upwards. Whenever i try to install it, either i get permanent engine effects showing in the wrong location (E.G. Jet engine thrust effects firing sideways from the engine) or no effects at all. As i stated, this is one of my personal favorite mods and i really would like to use it again. I tried editing the game files a little to try and get the mod to work, but, while i know a good deal about computers and hardware, coding is not my strong suit, and as such i was unable to get it working. There are also no revisions of the mod to help get it working in newer versions like i have seen with some other mods.. If somebody could help me with this, I would be extremely grateful. 

  10. Hello. I am a big fan of this mod, and I really like using the cameras that this mod has to offer. However, I do have a suggestion: If you could figure out a way to add a contract for taking pictures of Kerbin and other planets and moons and transmit/return them to Kerbin, that would be awesome.

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