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    Curious George
  1. Shared publiclyI dont believe this..The only explanation i can think of for this occuring is that the individual particals of light fired through, are behaving initially like electrons orbiting an atom. They come into near contact with other atoms already in the room and are repelled away from one another creating an interferance pattern. The compostition of matter in the actual oxygen around the slits effects the individual photons. Everything has a mass including light and the photons create that pattern due to bouncing off other atoms. Maybe the equiptment used to observe the process actually interferes with the rotation and deflection of paticals making the photon behave like a wave... if this is true they have accidently discovered a way of altering a particals state! Can anyone dissprove me...
  2. 3 minutes ago·Shared publiclyI dont believe this..The only explanation i can think of for this occuring is that the individual particals of light fired through, are behaving initially like electrons orbiting an atom. They come into near contact with other atoms already in the room and are repelled away from one another creating an interferance pattern. The compostition of matter in the actual oxygen around the slits effects the individual photons. Everything has a mass including light and the photons create that pattern due to bouncing off other atoms. Maybe the equiptment used to observe the process actually interferes with the rotation and deflection of paticals making the photon behave like a wave... if this is true they have accidently discovered a way of altering a particals state!
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