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Everything posted by noah123103

  1. Okay so i have this script here and was trying to test this mod out for the first time and ran into some issues because this script was made on a early version and i cant find the version for download anywhere so i cant downgrade! this is the script: http://pastebin.com/zZwek06Z, im getting an error with the liquidfuel variable, at line 111 and 173 it says the "< >" are not valid, so i take those out and it runs...but when it counts down it says "tried to push infinity in to the stack" then continues to countdown and then launch. When it launches i get another line that catches my eye "variable liquid fuel is not defined". I know its not defined and i have been looking at this code for a while and this is day 1 of me using this mod and im confused out of my mind, i don't know how to define it and i could really use some help. Thanks guys. Pictures to show what i mean: http://imgur.com/lcHrTHg,kVUat70#0 http://imgur.com/lcHrTHg,kVUat70#1
  2. Okay so i downloaded your ship to test out these scripts but i'm getting errors, its not the same ship in the video so i'm a little confused. I got errors when i did launch and it said "set StartFuel to <liquidfuel>." was invalid so i took away the "< >" and it worked fine.(i did that for line 173 also) everything was fine, got it to launch but when it did launch it says on countdown "tried to push infinity into stack" then it launches and says "variable liquid fuel is not defined". I am still messing around with the script to see if i can get it to work but i copied it directly as you had it. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.
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