Okay so i have this script here and was trying to test this mod out for the first time and ran into some issues because this script was made on a early version and i cant find the version for download anywhere so i cant downgrade! this is the script: http://pastebin.com/zZwek06Z, im getting an error with the liquidfuel variable, at line 111 and 173 it says the "< >" are not valid, so i take those out and it runs...but when it counts down it says "tried to push infinity in to the stack" then continues to countdown and then launch. When it launches i get another line that catches my eye "variable liquid fuel is not defined". I know its not defined and i have been looking at this code for a while and this is day 1 of me using this mod and im confused out of my mind, i don't know how to define it and i could really use some help. Thanks guys. Pictures to show what i mean: http://imgur.com/lcHrTHg,kVUat70#0 http://imgur.com/lcHrTHg,kVUat70#1