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    Intergalactic Bounty Huntress
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    I am of the old school KSP-kind. :) Jalopnik celebrity gurl.

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  1. Not sure what this is.  A journal entry maybe?  


    Finally able to have 70+ mods installed.  New rig so finally my GPU isn't bottle-necked terribly and I can get all those sweet part mods and visual enhancements working without a performance drop.  So much happy :)

    My preferred play style:  I'm a builder/mission planner/space program manager primarily.  I occasionally take the controls (I actually know how to fly planes IRL although I never got my pilot's license but did do a young aviators course and put in 5 hours of flight time with 100+ sim time).  However, I prefer to run vast, expansive space programs of my dreams in career mode (so Mechjeb is a must because I have limited free time and like to actually make progress).  I play something I call Ad Astra which is a collection of mods I've cobbled together and added to over the years to create a "Super-Stock" game that emphasizes some realism and takes the game from the first launches to full colonization.  I like to focus on exploring and gathering science. I'll put up a mod list when I get time in case anyone wants to know what I play with (everything works well together with only a few configs created).

    What I truly enjoy doing in KSP:  Designing hardware and payloads for missions and trying to figure out how to pull it off.  To me this is like the ultimate puzzle game.  I've also finally learned how to build decent launchers and like to test and rate them for different payload weights and name them cool, scary sounding names.

    I plan on eventually trying out Realism Overhaul as well as trying some different mod sets using a mixed up Kerbol system or another star system entirely.  It's so awesome that I can literally never get tired of this game thanks to Squad's constant improvements and awesome modders out there continually adding new content.



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