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Posts posted by Collider1

  1. 40 minutes ago, Morvran said:

    Yes, and that might explain why both ground and air targets are destroyed, however hitting a target directly with a nuke would still cause it to be vaporised as well not just the aircraft dropping the nuke.

    Yeah, I think I recall some direct hits not destroying the target before, maybe the nuke clips into it, or the ground, causing it to glitch. Try airbursts and see if it fixes the problem.

  2. 54 minutes ago, Morvran said:

    This is a great mod with potential to amazing fun to play around with however, for some reason the nuke always vaporise my aircraft  but wouldn't even scratch the ground vehicles at ground zero. I know your busy with your personal life at the moment, however do you or anyone else know of a simple solution to this? so that at least everything gets taken out!


    I found airbust detonations are much more efficient, possibly because terrain/buildings can block the explosion, so anything that doesn't have line of sight to the explosion won't be destroyed. You can edit the cfg file of a nuke to make it airburst though. See link in second quote.


    On 15/12/2015 at 10:18 PM, Collider1 said:

    The nukes in this mod are (possibly accidentally) very realistic in a certain way. When detonated at an altitude (I made the bomb detonate in its bay) the nukes do a much better job at destroying the KSC than when detonated at ground level. Could you maybe try implementing a timed or altitude detonation option? (The code for BD armoury's cluster bombs could maybe be used for this?)

    Ground Detonation: (Only radio dishes destroyed)


    Altitude Detonation: (Only administrative building survived)


    I tried a few tests and there was some variation depending on the impact/detonation point, but air-burst detonations typically performed better, I think the detonation may only damage buildings it has line of sight to, so at ground level it often only damages the buildings near it, whereas an air-burst has line of sight to most of them.


    On 26/05/2016 at 2:09 PM, Collider1 said:

    I found that by shoehorning the cluster bomb module from BDA into a nuclear bomb's cfg file, it's possible to make it detonate at an altitude between 100m and 1000m, which is pretty useful for maximising its destructive potential on the KSC.




  3. On 03/07/2016 at 4:50 PM, popeter45 said:

    yea im having same no boom with nukes

    full arming and firing but no explosion

    normal bombs work fine

    You need CAL: 


    It adds a new ammo box which can be configured to hold many different ammo types.





    On 03/07/2016 at 4:50 PM, popeter45 said:

    yea im having same no boom with nukes

    full arming and firing but no explosion

    normal bombs work fine

    Do MOABs FOABs and MGM-140s work? Are you sure the bombs are working properly and not just impact exploding like a regular part? Cluster bombs could also be a good way to test this.

  4. 42 minutes ago, Space20 said:

    Crashing it into the ground.... i forgot to fire missile probably.. im using castle bravo

    Yeah, they don't detonate if you use a decoupler or crash your craft. You need to right click it, then fire or assign it to an action group in the editor. Or you can add a weapon manager and assign its fire missile button to a key so you can fire any of your missiles/bombs with a single key. I believe the MIRV also has an instant detonate button if you want an airburst.

  5. 2 hours ago, Space20 said:

    I downloaded this mod rather than exploding to the giant mushroom cloud it explodes a normal explosion and it doesnt even destroy anything

    this is the same for the castle bravo and all nukes

    i downloaded all the content dependinces needed

    Are you clicking the "Fire missile" button and not jettisoning or crashing it into the ground?

  6. 11 hours ago, SpecOps115 said:

    Any idea whether BD is updating BDA to 1.1.2 yet?  His topic has been "closed to further replies".

    Also, could you add a nuclear Tomahawk cruise missile?  That would fit my needs perfectly...



    Maybe when I'm older, and if someone doesn't beat me to the punch, I'll make a weapons pack implementing the BLU- and GBU- Bunker Busting bombs.  INCOMING!!  (Patent Pending.)

    It's actually very easy to modify the Tomahawk to make it nuclear. Just add the following to the .cfg:

    	name = ModuleNuclearExplosive
    	blastRadius = 7470
    	blastPower = 1650
    	baseRadius = 100
    	explGroundPath =  North Kerbin Weaponry/effects/Explosion_Megaton
    	explAirPath =  North Kerbin Weaponry/effects/Explosion_340_Air
    	explSpacePath =  North Kerbin Weaponry/effects/Explosion_340_Space
        explSoundPath =  North Kerbin Weaponry/sounds/explosion_MOAB

    Put it at the end, but before the final }.

    This gives it a 1.2 megaton explosion. If you want a larger or smaller one, you can look through the .cfgs of other nuclear weapons to find the one you like.

    In fact, if you're thinking about making mods in the future, I'd recommend trying some tinkering like this to get started. There's a lot of fun to be had making ridiculous parts. :D

    This method will modify the current missile. If you want a separate one that is nuclear whilst retaining the conventional variant, you'll need to duplicate the file and edit the copy, but I got some weird bugs when I tried this before. I have an idea of what I might have done wrong though, so I'll look into it.


    Edit: Duplicating seems to work now. If you give rename the folder, the .cfg, the name under general parameters and the title under editor parameters, it seems to work. (Not sure if you need to do all of those things, but if you do it should work)

    Edit 2: If there is a shortened name you need to edit that too.

  7. 5 hours ago, Rainbowd4sh said:

    For the Tsar Bomba, I put it in a cargo bay in my large bomber. I then jettison it. After, jettisoning, I cannot activate the detonate action group. I then try fire missle, when it runs into the ground the screen just goes black. In f3 it says that it splashed down too hard or hit the ground too hard. Using trigger on the weapon manager did not work either. If anyone could help, that'd be amazing! 

    Jettisoning does not activate the bomb. It's for getting rid of your munitions without them exploding (in a big way at least). Use "Fire missile" in the cargo bay to actually use the bomb.

    Also, when using the weapon manager, you can assign "Fire missile" on the weapon manager to an action group, which will then fire whatever missile you have selected when you use it, so you can fire all of your weapons with only one action group.

  8. Fair point, could you make us one? :D Also, if you could find a way of making it point downwards when it deploys, such as being a missile with a high angle arc or a snake eye bomb style slowing mechanism, so the bomblets spread outwards, that would be cool as currently a lot of them go almost straight down, causing a dense cluster and increasing the bomblet velocity spreads it out a bit but also makes some of them go miles away.

  9. 10 minutes ago, andreasblom said:

    Thanks a lot

    Is there a way to change the number of bomblets? (Thinking like four)

    Changing the number of bomblets would require editing the model in a program like blender, rather than just altering the cfg. I'll have a look into it, but I have no experience with computer modelling so I don't know if I will actually be able to do this.

  10. 3 hours ago, andreasblom said:

    Cluster nuke  when? 

    Challenge accepted. Go to GameData > BDArmory > Parts > clusterBomb > clusterBomb.cfg and replace the code with the following:

    // Kerbal Space Program - Part Config
    // --- general parameters ---
    name = bahaClusterBomb
    module = Part
    author = BahamutoD
    // --- asset parameters ---
    mesh = model.mu
    rescaleFactor = 1
    // --- node definitions ---
    node_attach = 0.0, 0.25, -0.1, 0, 1, 0, 0
    node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.25, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0
    // --- editor parameters ---
    TechRequired = precisionEngineering
    entryCost = 2100
    cost = 950
    category = none
    subcategory = 0
    title = CBU-87 Cluster Bomb
    manufacturer = Bahamuto Dynamics
    description = This bomb splits open and deploys many small bomblets at a certain altitude.
    // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
    attachRules = 1,1,0,0,1
    // --- standard part parameters ---
    mass = 0.467
    dragModelType = none
    maximum_drag = 0.03
    minimum_drag = 0.03
    angularDrag = 1
    crashTolerance = 5
    maxTemp = 3600
      name = MissileLauncher
      shortName = CBU-87
      thrust = 50 //KN thrust during boost phase
      cruiseThrust = 0 //thrust during cruise phase
      dropTime = 1 //how many seconds after release until engine ignites
      boostTime = 10 //seconds of boost phase
      cruiseTime = 0 //seconds of cruise phase
      guidanceActive = true //missile has guidanceActive
      maxTurnRateDPS = 70 //degrees per second
      guidanceActive = false
      blastRadius = 800 //meters
      blastPower = 625
      decoupleSpeed = 50
      deployAnimationName = deploy
      deployedDrag = 0.03
      deployTime = 0.2
      explModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/explosion
      useSimpleDrag = true
      simpleCoD = 0,0,-2
      simpleStableTorque = 5
      rndAngVel = 0.7
      homingType = AGM
      missileType = missile
      homingType = GPS
      optimumAirspeed = 1000
      exhaustPrefabPath = BDArmory/Models/exhaust/smallExhaust
      name = ClusterBomb
      deployAltitude = 1000
      deployDelay = 2.5
      submunitionMaxSpeed = 2000
      swapCollidersOnDeploy = true
      subExplModelPath = North Kerbin Weaponry/effects/Explosion_M65
      subExplSoundPath = North Kerbin Weaponry/sounds/explosion_MOAB

    Warning, this will very probably cause your game to lag as it will cause 20 or 30 nuclear explosions and will look something like this:


    I made it a GPS guided missile as well as I figured that a higher speed when it deploys its submunitions may increase the spread. I recommend giving it a high deploy altitude. Unfortunately the submunitons cannot be set to airburst detonate, (at least I don't know how to do it) but the sheer number of them should ensure sufficient destruction of whatever you're aiming at.

  11. 21 hours ago, boomchacle said:

    you need to make the Vulcan have TSAR BOMBA EFFECTS

    Challenge accepted!


    Unfortunately, although I can make the gun shoot tsars, I can't find a way to stop the bullets from de-spawning when they get more than 5km away from the craft. I tried increasing the maxEffectiveDistance in the cfg and increased physics range but they still de-spawn, so the gun can only be used as a suicide weapon. On the bright side though, it can fire a hell of a lot of them before it explodes so here is what happens when you cause about 50 tsar explosions at the same time: 


    How's that for a nuclear sunrise?

  12. Editing the configs is so much fun. I made the Karl Gerät fully automatic, Exocets nuclear and the hellfires have MOAB explosions. :D

    On 21/04/2016 at 5:07 AM, JNA Space Program said:

    How to use the GPS?

    1. Make sure you have a weapon manager on your craft as well as either a targeting pod or FLIR ball.

    2. Launch the craft and open the BDarmoury weapon manager tab, then select the modules menu.

    3. Select the targeting pod/ball, use the arrow buttons to centre the camera on your desired target and click the lock target button.

    4. The lock target button will now turn into 2 buttons saying unlock and send GPS. Click send GPS.

    5. On the modules menu select GPS coordinator and click on the correct coordinate. (You can send and store multiple GPS coordinates allowing you to switch between targets quickly in the GPS menu.)

    6. You have now locked on to the target and can fire at will. Your GPS coordinates that you saved will also be remembered and can be accessed by other crafts you build (as long as you don't revert flight or delete them), so you don't actually need to have your targeting pod on the same vehicle as your missile, but if you do use separate targeting and missile launch vehicles, both will need weapons managers.

    On 21/04/2016 at 11:47 AM, JNA Space Program said:

    YES! The Nukes Work! I just put the folder into the game data but i cant control the scud

    You need to use GPS with the scud (see above).


    "I am become death, destroyer of worlds."


  13. On 20/12/2015 at 7:43 PM, harpwner said:

    I mostly do things that exist in real life with a specific model and everything, so one of those I probably won't do unless I find some actual nuclear AGMs or Anti-rad missiles. 

    On 20/12/2015 at 10:16 PM, andreasblom said:

    Agm 86 B


    could use gps instead of TERCOM

    Alternatively, if you don't want to use the BDarmoury model, the AGM-129A was also armed with a nuclear warhead. Personally, I'd also quite like to see one of these as I'm currently using MIRV-tipped stock built missiles as standoff missiles, but this means relinquishing control of my aircraft whilst in flight.


  14. The nukes in this mod are (possibly accidentally) very realistic in a certain way. When detonated at an altitude (I made the bomb detonate in its bay) the nukes do a much better job at destroying the KSC than when detonated at ground level. Could you maybe try implementing a timed or altitude detonation option? (The code for BD armoury's cluster bombs could maybe be used for this?)

    Ground Detonation: (Only radio dishes destroyed)


    Altitude Detonation: (Only administrative building survived)


    I tried a few tests and there was some variation depending on the impact/detonation point, but air-burst detonations typically performed better, I think the detonation may only damage buildings it has line of sight to, so at ground level it often only damages the buildings near it, whereas an air-burst has line of sight to most of them.

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