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Posts posted by Stilton

  1. On 10/05/2017 at 1:54 PM, MisfitMarius said:

    QFT, though I'm slightly different 'cos I use TrackIR's own software.


    After posting i realised a lot of the problem was that native trackIR support is broken in the latest 64-bit version..

    To start, you have to replace the TrackIRUnity.dll  file in the:  


    folder.  I used the one from medsouz's archive and then native 64 bit support is working ingame again..


    And then the previous version of kerbtrack works again, with no issue, for me anyway..

  2. I'm also having the same problem on x64 as the above guy with trackIR, and there's no output txt  file in that folder sadly..

    Here's my symptoms though, it overwrites/deletes the tracker line in the txt file when i run it, even if i set it to TrackIR.
    Also, the debug console is filled with:

    "Exception: DllNotFoundException: FreeTrackClient"


    I'm still following the readme btw.. By that i mean, i'm installing your version, then taking the TrackIRUnity.dll from Medsouz's version.


    Not sure if relevant but,  the games native trackIR support doesn't actually work for me using the 64-bit version anyway.. I removed the mod to test and whilst the 32bit version works 64 does not? Not sure how much of a difference that really makes to your stuff.

    Also, since i didn't restate this - thanks, and i really appreciate you taking the time to do this sort of thing because this is still a better implementation than the native trackIR support.. It's easily worth it for the little pause-menu-GUI alone with all the tweakable settings mid-flight.

    I did take a look at the code myself but sadly it's way beyond my ability to even read

  3. Just a lowly plebs opinion over here but...

    The updated/replacement/new camera mesh is kind of cool...  Personally, i preferred the old one, i think the small black slanted 'lens' part looks a bit weird...  More importantly though, on the old one there was a kind of 'notch' painted onto the camera ( just a black line.. )   that served (perhaps unintentionally) to indicate the orientation of the camera...

    ..Now on this new camera,  it's almost completely white and there is no way to tell the orientation of the camera AT A GLANCE, which is unfortunate and a step backwards.





  4. Ok, after making an ass of myself by trying to run another mod without modulemanager and wondering why the stock parts weren't getting replaced  (The irony / idiocy there being that's the whole purpose of modulemanager and i KNOW THIS because i read it on their forum page but somehow it just didnt click.)


    ..Here i go anyway, please forgive any idiocy..
    This works beautifully, thank you,  but the problem is, only on 32-bit for me.

    I'm using v1.3 with TrackIR, i've tried a few different versions of the .dll's active now, none seem to work.. When i'm in 32-bit the ui says 'enabled paused' but it works, on 64-bit it says 'disabled'  up top... Even though trackIR is obviously running.

    It's not a major issue.. but i'd assume ill get better performance with 64bit,
    ( i had it working before on 64-bit, so i'd hazard a guess something has broken with this update, but it could easily be something i've done..  )

    Hm, on further investigation this message appears in the console, not sure if this comes up on 32-bit although i'll assume not as that works fine.. But it says:

    [KerbTrack] TrackIR error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at TrackIRUnity.TrackIRClient.client_HandleTrackIRData() [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at TrackIRTracker.GetData (UnityEngine.Vector3& rot, UnityEngine.Vector3& pos) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KerbTrack.Update() [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

  5. I hope i'm not being rude bumping this :)

    -- i just haven't seen anyone else mention that this mod is a bit broken with 1.0.5.

    I saw activity on githhub, so i've taken to hoping you know and might be working on it..

    But just incase, what ive noticed so far:

    - The portrait dissapears when kerbals are placed in the mk1 cockpit (mk1 inline seems fine) and the interior view is not accessable for this cockpit.

    - Transferring kerbals between command pods causes the portraits to dissapear and cant access iva anymore

    They've reworked the cockpits, personally im not sure how i feel about the news ones lol, i miss the mfds :D

    But i'd still like to be able to use this mod with the others, anyone else noticed any other problems and: can i disable, what i assume is, the mod trying to 'find' the mfds on the mk1 cockpit so i can play continue my career still using it on the mk2 cockpit / inline and the cool cameras.


  6. ..Then i read the part about you going to all the trouble to patch it to work with the 64-bit...

    It works fine if i run the _64.exe but stops working shortly after activating it on normal ksp.exe

    But that's no problem cus i'm on a 64-bit system :D

    So... yea... ... so happy right now :D

    Thank-you so much!


    I had never imagined this would work, i thought there was no hope unless Naturalpoint did this themselves and i didn't imagine that happening unless these 2 companies sat down together or someone paid someone some money or something.


    pizzaoverhead for kerbtrack..

    medsouz for making this work with my TrackIR!

    I was actually worried this was some sort of massive troll but now im off to waste the next 48 hours on kerbal...

  7. To add support for the new TrackIR cameras would require a new plugin. I don't own a TrackIR, so developing it would be difficult to say the least.

    ..Since i have TrackIR5... And have been attempting to get some way to output the TrackIR5 to anything that would act as a go-between to Kerbtrack....

    With no success... It's so frustrating to know that the TrackIR's own 'protection' of encrypting its output is infact the sole reason that this wont work easily -- Sigh... This is why i should never buy the 'newest, improved' version of a product people are trying to sell, always a catch.

    I've come to bring your attention to this:


    So apparently TrackIR is natively supported in unity, with this plugin.. and Kerbal is based on the unity engine?

    I know you've said you dont have TrackIR5... But, does that help you at all in possibly adding TIR5 support?

    Alternatively can anything/anyone help me?

    Or am i just clutching at straws and it's time to give up on TrackIR and buy a decent webcam?

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