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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Excellent analysis. Lots of valid and good points. SQUAD, please read!
  2. Hi I just read a great tips that you're supposed to be able to hold Ctrl-key and left click on a part in the VAB, to bring up the parts tab and the popup window with info on the part. As can be seen in Bob Fitch's video here: That does not work for me. I hold Control and left click, nothing happens. Anyone know why it does not work? I'm running 0.90, unmodded on Windows.
  3. Thanks everybody for your explanations. I've got it now. This tip was great! I'll try to remember that in the future.
  4. I am in a polar orbit around Kerbin. The blue one in the picture below. I want to rotate my orbit to the same plane as the green one. How do I setup a maneuver node for that? I tried a maneuver node with a normal / anti-normal change (the purple icons) like this: But as can be seen isn't what I want. So how do I change to the green plane?
  5. The only thing I want besides the already confirmed things is: Faster game startup!! It takes over a minute just to start the darn game, which is ridiculous... I have an i5 CPU and SSD, the game should start in seconds.
  6. Just as the title says. Before I go EVA in space I line up my rocket upwards, towards 12 o'clock. But when I click the EVA button, the camera changes and the rocket dips to some other random direction, like 9 o'clock, 5 o'clock or whatever. Why is it so? I'm having a very hard time making just basic EVA maneuvers because of this. I follow Scott Manley's Career Mode tutorials, and he doesn't have this problem. Look at 11:25 in this video, the rocket stays in the same direction when he presses EVA. 5t0vXuxE0&index=3
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