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Everything posted by Gone004

  1. Could it be caused by... some simple part clipping ? (I never use the allow part clipping cheat, but the air brake is slightly touching a procedural control surface and the proc. multi-adapter.
  2. ho, and Broax, we have the exact same bug. If I was good with programs, I would make one that will check the common error between our logs, if that make any sense. Also I noticed the glitchy nav-ball thing only happen if enchanced nav-ball is installed.
  3. I reduced the mods and the parts, the bug still occur exept if I try to remove some air brake on a procedural wing (from procedural dynamics), witch is on a procedural multi-adapter (from procedural fairings). New output log with less error I hope https://www.dropbox.com/s/a5gwky69cgk2rwd/output_log.txt?dl=0 But I thing all this work is for nothing because the .craft file might be corrupted. In the SPH if I remove the air brake I was talking about, I get stuck. Not a Freeze or a crash, I just can't do anything exept moving the mouse around the parts and they glow green like normal, but I can't use the button or select a part, hopefully I get back to control by pressing ctrl z.
  4. okay after, some testing I have a godd news and a bad news, the bad one : my new launched vessel still get corrupted when loading them. the good one : I can now reproduce the bug without "random", I simply put my big space shuttle on the runway, launch it, crash it (only because It need some tweaking for the first stage), and hit the revert to launch button. check out those pictures : first launch : https://www.dropbox.com/s/3v5ggwmguu8pv0d/screenshot186.png?dl=0 after hitting the revert to lauch button : https://www.dropbox.com/s/6wuv2twfsyhdkqj/screenshot187.png?dl=0 notice the glitchy nav-ball ?
  5. There is something weird, my docked living quarter section (a 2001 space odyssey rotating style) ... isen't docked... and the crew who was in it has come back in the command pod in the command section... like the docking never happend. But I haven't load an old save and I have checked all my backup saves, it's impossible . I should go to sleep this is too illogic for me. But It's not a big deal if that 's the price for getting back my space station, anyway in a few kerbal years all the space station will be giant white ships made of B9 5.2.1 parts.
  6. I forgot to add something, The bug seem to occur after a docking or dedocking, I think the ship is corrupted when the game is saving it in orbit. And I have this little bug : the nav-ball disappeared and some times the altimeter too, (debug say "[exception] :NullReference Exception: Object not set to an instance of an object" I think I run out of memory at some point ). WAIT !... My station... It's ALIVE ! Just by deleting "tweakscale" folder in gamedata.... Diazo, you are a genius. But ... Infernal robotics need tweak scale, and klockheed martian too ( for the little cargo bays ) . I thinks there is a workaround for both of them, and if not, I can make my own by adding the same part.cfg with a rescale factor and a different name. Thank for your time guys, Great forum.
  7. ok thanks I'm going to test differents configurations with and without the tweakscale plugin(s). I don't have the modular fuel tanks mod but, procedural parts is quite similar I think.
  8. hello everyone, I have some enigma of a bug. It seems like some of my vessels gets corrupted, no crash, but when I'm loading them from the tracking station or any another way I get these symptoms : - My ship is missing some parts (one time, only my atomic engine was remaining and is was blasting flammes at the back) - My nav ball is showing all the prograde retrograde and all nodes at the same place. - I can't move or rotate the ship. - I get this yellow [PartJoint]: None of the provided nodes was valid!" Warning, and red "NullReference Exception: Object not set to an instance of an object" "exeception" flooding my debug window, really flooding. It happen when it's a ship in orbit around kerbin the mun and even at the space center with a rover. On those ships I used some Procedural parts, remote tech antenna, some KAS stuff, ... well the kind of things I use for all my ships Thanks for the reading, sorry english is not my native language. I think the error has to be find in the log because my ksp is quite stable for all the mods that I have. I play 0.24.2 32bits on Win7 with enough hardware to run 2 ksp without problem ( easy lol ). My output_log is comming right away, as soon as I find a way to do so, and if you need some more information or if you want me to do some tests I'm ready to help you help me please thanks if that make any sense. Here it is : https://www.dropbox.com/s/67652e9z9iafry0/output_log.7z?dl=0
  9. I have an exellent idea to add to your awsome mod in purpose of realisme and gameplay fun. You should add a debris cleaner program. If there is more than 20 space object in orbit around Kerbin, there should be some mission to destroy or recover them with enought money so it would be profitable if you push in in the atmospher with an Ion engine but not so if you do it with a big classic rocket with low Isp. If you want to have an idea of what I'm thinking, check this video on youtube.
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