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Posts posted by LaDouche

  1. That was the old targeting system. If you want this back, go into the alt+b menu and click "legacy targeting"

    But if you wanna have more fun, use the new systems. The hellfire is laser guided, so it requires you to have the laser targeting pod. You point it at the target and the missile follows the laser. :) aim 9's now actually heat seek, and aim-120's require radar.

    Go to baha's YouTube channel, he has little videos on each system.

    Super cool! Thanks for the quick reply man.

    What would be the best solution for a semi-small aircraft? It just feels wierd to put that big targeting pod on such a small craft.


  2. I did some tinkering with this mod before 0.9 came out and IRC if you wanted to lock onto ground targets and fire Hellfire I just targeted the enemy and pointed my plane roughly towards the target and just fired the missile.

    Now howevere, whenever I do this the missile doesn't seem to get a lock. It just flies in a straight path. Tried to skim through the notes but I couldn't find any that would suggest this changed (or I'm just stupid).

    What am I doing wrong?

  3. With the risk of sounding like a lazy person (tried reading some pages but couldn't find the information), what is, say, a normal orbit in this mod?

    Just tried this mod and so far I like it to death, I only need to figure out how large a-ship I need to get to orbit. :)

    EDIT: Just read everything, seems like its just stock atmosphere, so the orbits doesn't really matter (if I'm not totally wrong)

  4. Has anyone experienced FPS loss with this? I've read that people experience the opposite, but with my high-end rig I averaged about 10-15 FPS on Duna with a pretty complex craft. I've never noticed this on the 32 bit build, so it really stuck out with me. Unfortunatly I don't have the install left, so can't upload any log or anything. Not expecting a fix, just wondering if this is something anyone else have experianced?

  5. Have you tried hard-mode? Or at least disabled the ability to revert and quicksave/load? Those options alone add a whole new element of challenge. If you have, then just take a break until the next release.

    I have thought about it, but given the amount of mods I have to play with I'm really scared that the game might crash. If that does, my sanity will go wiith it. It is tempting though...

  6. Hey,

    I'm relatively new to this game, started playing during 0.22 somewhere. I've been gaming for my whole life, but when I picked this game up it was like nothing I've experienced before. I'm sure it's the same with most of you, this game totally changed the way I think about space and science in general.

    Steam says I'm almost at 2000 hours played (thats excluding other installs). I've never ever played a single game this much.

    My point with all this is I'm starting to loose the will to play the game. Am I burned out? Probably. I check these forums every single day and the subreddit for new inspiration. It feels like I've tried every single mod out there so I'm quite sure it's not a content issue. I've started so many careers and I never really "finish" any of them. I just start a new one and do the same stuff again just because I tried a new mod or something other. It just feels like I have no goals in my games. I obviously don't have the imagination to think up something convoluted to do. Man, if I have to land on Minmus ever again to collect science... It just makes me loose all creative energy to repeat the same thing over and over.

    Please, don't get me wrong here. Obviously, it's not the games fault. I'm 100% aware this issue is on my side and I still feel this is one of the best game ever.

    Have any of you experienced this? Got any tips to overcome this obstacle I'm facing?

  7. Hey!

    Don't post here much, but I'm so satisfied with my shuttle I can't help myself.



    I just wanted a clean, realistic looking shuttle. I used Inigmas fantastic base shuttle (thanks!) and switched out some parts. I especially like the shuttle shoulders from the "Space Shuttle Pack" and the Mk3 nose cone from "Mk3 Mini Expansion pack".

    It's really easy to get into orbit, usually have like 1,5k DV left with empty bay.

    Anyway, just wanted to share this!

  8. Nice build starkline.

    Really liking this mod. As I havent got any programming skill I cant really contribute in any way but actually testing it and reporting bugs, which I will one I find them. :)

    Sorry for the offtopic but how did you change the RAPIERS to "cheaty mode" as you put it? Did you change thrust or ISP or both perhaps? Thanks.

    (Meant to message you privately but cant find the option, on mobile atm.)

  9. Hey!

    Really like this one, my favorite Skylon here so far.

    I hope you don't mind, but I did some modifications on your craft, what do you think?

    I might have gone a bit overboard on the intakes. Still not entire sure what I'm doing with SSTO's. Lots of trial and error...

    Anyway, thanks again!


  10. RoverDude,

    I don't post much here, just general questions about mods and such but after reading a bit of this thread, I felt inclined to tell you that your mods are without a shadow of a doubt my favorite ones on this forum. I litterally scavange the development forum just looking for new stuff you post. I can't even begin to fathom how much time and energy you put on these things, and you do it for free. I don't think modders hear this often enough. You guys make this game.

    Anyway, not to sound like a total fanboy or anything, but keep up your amazing work man.

  11. Terribly sorry if this has already been answered, but when I play this with NEAR the shuttle accelerates like I don't know what. Seriously, I can get up to orbit in like 30 seconds. I read some posts about FAR but isn't NEAR like a seperate thing?

    Again, apologies if this has already been answered.

    Great mod though! :D

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