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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Reloaded a previous save and it worked. Went back and reloaded it and it NaN'ed again. Crazy. At least I know the workaround.
  2. Happened again. I had two ships on the way to Duna...one with the lander, one that was basically a big fuel tank I dock with for the return home. I saved the game last night, all was well. I just started up KSP, all is well when I load the space center screen. I go to Tracking Center, select the first ship and click "Fly". Snaps to the ship, it's fine for about half a second, and then everything goes black and all the physics data is NaN.
  3. Nope. I was coasting to the maneuver node... - - - Updated - - - Also - just read up on the NaNo virus, sounds right to me.
  4. Hi all, I have been fiddling around with KSP for a few months now - I'm a huge "space nerd", worked for about 5 years for a company that does consulting work for NASA. Got to work on the close out of the shuttle program and ORION. Good stuff, and KSP has given me a whole new understanding of things. Last week I put myself into my first career-mode game that didn't have maxed starting funds, science, etc. It went really well till I made my 2nd trip to Duna. I launched two rockets - first one was the lander and ascent stage, which would dock with the 2nd for the return trip home. I didn't really look at where Duna was relative to Kerbin, just launched into a high orbit of Kerbin and then warped ahead till Duna was correctly aligned. When I came out of warp and then went to take control of the first rocket, I had issues. It didn't show the rocket, the navball was completely black with nothing in it, and Escape key wouldn't work so it was effectively locked up. What'd I do wrong? Is there an amount of time I can't warp at once? Thanks for any help! Dustin
  5. Yeahup. That's why it's so frustrating. normally W is forward, but because the camera is messed up it's back or left or something (the direction is moves on my screen). - - - Updated - - - So is there a way to make this work? Always orient the rocket normal first and then EVA?
  6. Hi everyone! I've been messing around with KSP for awhile now. I've come across a rather annoying bug (bug for me at least) - when I'm EVA'ing in free fall, the space bar doesn't reorient the camera (as it says at the KSP Wiki site). This makes EVAs frustrating endeavors as up is left and down is back and whatnot. Very hard to control. Ideas? Is there a place for me to re-map the key assignments? Thanks! Dustin
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