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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I initially tried it on my unibody Macbook Pro i7 4GB but it ran very poor with terrible frame rate. I then booted into Windows 8.1 via bootcamp partition and KSP ran 4x as fast as it did on OS 10, no issues with FPS or anything else, running 64bit. (occasional right clicking not working, damn unity)
  2. ^Dude! They suggested the same for me! What the hell
  3. Hello Reese! If you see KSP on sale I suggest picking it up, that way you can get some experience under the belt before .24 comes out.
  4. I used FireWire with my 2nd gen iPod, that was like 2002 or 2003, remember it being lighting fast comparing to USB.
  5. Never been to Jool so not sure, but same happened to me returning to Kerbin, I was about to land in the ocean then all the sudden the horizon line and everything below it turned black, I kept descending for like 20 seconds and then my ship blew up! I had to F9
  6. Sup OP! Are you russian? Your thread title says "let's go in russian"
  7. Hello everyone! Just wanted to share how much I love this game. Got it about two weeks ago, so far only 35 hours in and I love it. When I first started the game I was all like had no idea what to do or what does what. Ended up watching great youtube tutorials by, you guessed it, Scott Manley. So far I was able to land on Mun and Minmus with Kerbonauts and come back safely most of the time. On one return home from Minmus I landed in the water with the science module and lost two heros Looking back I probably should have EVAed both of them before landing in the ocean. My next step is to learn how to dock and maybe head for Duna. I play vanilla, but that alarm clock mod looks tempting. P.S. These smilies are AWESOME!!!
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