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Posts posted by HospiceAntlers

  1. I was really excited to see the announcement for the PS4 release. I plan on getting a PS4 soon because that's in my budget. A good PC that can play games isn't in my budget.

    You guys are saying that the game can be buggy/hard to control and that's true. It can be. It probably will be. But you guys also don't seem to realize that there can be updates made to the game even when the game is already sold. If there weren't updates to games on consoles then there would be tons of glitches in console games, but they're caught and fixed and updated. You just have to download them.

    Also this is pretty good for business and publicity. They will earn more money, meaning they will be able to improve the game more because they have more money. There will be new people in the fandom who are as excited to play as you guys are! This game could inspire someone to become a rocket scientist!

    Just because it's going to console doesn't mean you guys have to all have to get angry. I don't even see the point in being angry. If you're so mad about the game going to console then why are you playing it in the first place?

    By boycotting it going to console, you're boycotting people having fun.

  2. Hi! I'm Reese, or HospiceAntlers. I haven't really played Kerbal Space Program yet, but I played it with my friend once and enjoyed it! I hope to be getting it after 0.24 comes out, as my friend says I should. I hope to become better in playing soon but with the help of my friend, GregroxMun, I'm sure I will!

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