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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Right, well using everyone\'s suggestions i came up with this: What it doesn\'t take into account is the delta-v you need to not crash into the surface of the Mun or Minmus after your de-orbit burn, which depends largely on your distance above the surface (v^2=u^2+2as, where u=0). Also the gravitational drag you need to overcome to get back into orbit from the surface. Oh, and also the fact that piloting skills can be less than perfect. But i can calculate all those - what i can\'t is a maneuver between the Mun and Minmus. How does it look? Anything drastically off? Thanks!
  2. Hmm, well velocity at periapsis should be initial orbital velocity plus the change in velocity required for the transfer burn, right? You wouldn\'t happen to have a link to somewhere i can read up on these equations, would you?
  3. Well over the past few days i\'ve been trying to churn out some numbers that might help me to better design ships. I can work out the ?v of a ship and all the separate stages, what i have trouble with is actually calculating the requirements of a maneuver. Using the equations ?vo = sqrt[ (G * Pm) / Pr ], ?vd = gp * tL, tL = ?vo / A, ?va ? 610 (not sure how accurate this estimation is for Kerbin but without knowing more about the atmosphere i don\'t think there\'s much you can do about it) and of course ?tvo = ?vo + ?vd + ?va i managed to come up with an estimation for reaching orbit, assuming about 2Gs acceleration of around 4250m/s. I also figured i should probably take 100 off that due to the rotation at the equator but it can\'t hurt to overestimate a little. Then for starters i tried to work out the combined requirements for a mission to the Mun. Using Hoffman orbits i think there should be about six independent maneuvers (Kerbin orbit, Munar transfer burn, Munar insertion burn, Munar de-orbit burn, Munar descent burns and the Munar ascent/Kerbin transfer burn). Respectively, i assume to work out each i would have to use the value i already have (which i am aware doesn\'t take into account altitude, so i assumed 100km above surface), the first Hohmann transfer equation (on wikipedia, although i was a bit thrown off with the Gravitational parameter given in the wiki for Kerbin being in km^3/s^2, so i used all km values and came up with an answer of 0.842km/s). Then... i got lost. I assume you would have to know how fast you would be travelling at the point in the transfer orbit where you got captured, and the orbital velocity of the Mun. Then is it just the difference of the two? Problem being i have no idea how to work out velocity at any given point in an orbit. I could probably do the rest using what i already know plus suvat. So i guess what i\'m asking is - how do you work out velocity at apoapsis (which i believe is also the semi major axis?), are the figures i have anywhere near right/what anyone else has and also, with regards to Minmus, are the calculations much the same if you just rotate the craft on the launch pad? Just because i\'m pretty sure that changing your orbital inclination is one of the most fuel-intensive burns you can do... what sort of angle are you looking for then, or does nobody know. Thanks to anybody that can help/understand what the hell i\'m on about (i barely can). I have to say i never thought i would be using this stuff in a game, and actually enjoy it References: http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/mission.php http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hohmann_transfer_orbit
  4. It may interest you to know that there is a company working to 'resurrect' the TKS capsule and Almaz stations, going by the name of Excalibur Almaz.
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