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Posts posted by tengumai

  1. At the same time, we have our thermal engine, which is using up all the power provided by the reactor (the reactor is running at 100%), yet is putting out 4718.8 kN at an Isp of 2997.1 seconds, meaning that its total dissipated power is only about 14 gigawatts.

    I'm a new KSPI user, and so I am stupid about these things. I was recently surprised to see that my 3.75m Thermal Engine was also maxing at 2997.1 Isp . I expected it to be either:

    • 2582, because the tooltip for the thermal engine suggests it will be 17 * SQRT(Core Temperature), and the Core Temp of my 3.75M fusion reactor is 23078. 17*Sqrt(23078)=2582

    How does this really work? Is 2997.1 a buggy result, or the expected result? If expected, can you help me understand why/how this is correct and how I can predict Isp and thrust for the engine?

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