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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Great mod! But I'm a bit confused: What's the maximum for fitting a vessel into the spaceport? I'm trying to load something with 4.5m x 8.6m x 4.4m / volume 167m^3 / around 36t into it, but spaceport tells me it doesn't fit. (The right click menu on the spaceport says 5.6 m x 18.1 m x 5.3m. I was under the impression that those are the numbers for the cargo bay, but I suppose I'm wrong there?) fixed it. Must have been some attachement bug or something like that. I removed everything from the outside until it did fit. Then I reattached everything the same way it was fitted before. Suddenly the ship fits into the spaceport.
  2. Is there a way to get the real system time instead of KSP time? I'd like to use system time for some specific logging purposes.
  3. whoops, yeah. too many open tabs and even used the tac-ls version number when I meant mks 18.2, sorry //edit: if someone's interested, there was some relevance to tac-ls in my problem after all. I pulled the GameData from GitHub without getting the TacLifeSupport.dll. That messed things up. Realized it when the toolbar button wasn't available.
  4. are the legs on the integrated module base in 0.9 static by design or are they supposed to be retractable (the telescopic design suggests they should be), because they aren't for me. I like the concept of the base part, but it's too wide for transport on my usual lifter with extended legs.
  5. tg626: A simple way to do it is to use an old keyboard controller. You can trace the wires from the keyboard layout to the controller quite easily and then re-solder the wires for your buttons and switches where you need them. Buttons will work out of the box, but for switches you'll need to use some software to track your switch states and release the keypress after switching.
  6. spec10


    Been lurking on the KSP forums for ages, now it's time to get involved
  7. //edit: I made some minor changes to the logos to make them fit better to the waving background here: http://imgur.com/a/eYOUa#0 Here are my new flags: (Ad Astra Explodius patch based on:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29383-(Yet-Another)-NASA-style-KSP-Logo-Patch)
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