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Everything posted by moridinbg

  1. Oh, this makes sense now. I wasn't aware of the re-research thing and actually wondered what this numbers are for.
  2. Nope. In sandbox all is good, but in career the parts for which I have the required tech are visible in the parts menu, but the buttons are disabled and I can't place them. If I edit my persistent.sfs and add the name of each part in the required technology (or any discovered technology for that matter) and load they become available. Same goes for any mod that adds parts in the teches. It is kind of strange that the save file lists not only the technologies discovered so far, but also the available parts for each technology. A better approach for the core game would be to get the list of tech from the save and then pull the available parts for each tech.
  3. I think it should be good to include a note in the docs that if you install the mod and already have a career in progress, the parts that need technologies you have already discovered before installing the mod, won't be available unless you manually edit your (backed up) save file. Being relatively new to KSP and modding it this took me some time to find out adn I didn't find a direct reference to this. It would be a huge pain in the ass to start from scratch from a developed save.
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