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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Was I the only person slightly dissapointed that this wasn\'t attempting to recreate the base in moonbase alpha the game? Which reminds me, John Madden.
  2. This may be intended, but is there any ASAS in SE2A1? I haven\'t found it under any of the tabs and it has really been affecting my ability to fly in a straight line.
  3. 1. bf3 has dinosaurs, MW doesn\'t. 2. thread about bf3, stop discussing mw3 3. bf3 doesn\'t use a modified quake engine 4. bullets don\'travel at the speed of light ___________________________________ Actually why I came here: Love the game, expected actual conversation about it instead of comparisons. Just wanted to say I found this (well, I was too lazy to upload a picture myself, but I found it in-game before knowing about it nonetheless):
  4. My philosophy is put boosters until it\'s borderline breaking point, then test. If some boosters break off and fly away, but you don\'t die, design is successful.
  5. windows 98 no, but windows xp was great. Especially because Media Center edition came with windows dancer, the most pointless animaded gif of someone dancing with transparency that you could possibly get. Waste of space? yes. The fact that Microsoft even tried to hide it within a series of about 6 folders on the start menu? hilarious.
  6. I feel sad now, I only got up to 6475 m/s, but I was only using silisko edition.
  7. A U.S release of Monster Hunter Portable 3rd for PSP in the U.S... .... CAPCOM!!!!! HURRY UP OR AT LEAST SAY A NEW ONE WILL COME OUT ON VITA!!!!!
  8. Anyways, after accidentallying some connectors together, and then deciding to go with it, i discovered a new launch technique: Cannons. Well, not really cannons, but they work similarly. Here are the basic results of one of my tests. (silisko parts) The design: the result: (yes, i MSpainted so you could see what exactly happened if it wasn\'t quite obvious enough) Conclusion: Not very effective, gets even worse with added mass, so not helpful in launching an actual ship Now I just need to figure out how to make it more powerful.
  9. if only this would go on steam.... *buybuybuybuybuybuy* 'FREE EXPLOSIONS!!!' *giftgiftgiftgiftgift*
  10. My first Mun-faring rocket (stock parts only) Worked great! Almost success.
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