Hello all! I'll admit I bought this game sort of on a whim and played around with it a little bit before the First Contract expansion but became a bit overwhelmed on how to do things precisely (my failed Mun landing was particularly hilarious/tragic as I'm sure we all have experienced). I played it after the expansion and I have to say muuuuuuccchhh better Keep up the work devs! However, the thing that I thought would help out new players like me a bit (and a project I'll be glad to work on if and when I get the time) is admittedly perhaps a bit ambitious but to sit down and compile 'all' the math together to help others new and old get the most bang for their buck now that we actually have limited funds for launches in career mode. After getting what should be all the equations you will ever need to do anything on here, then perhaps make primers for how exactly to compute and apply said collection of knowledge. I have seen some pages on the wiki with some of the math, but not all of it and not really and I got the feeling (though I may just be dumb XD) that it was written with the assumption that the reader already possessed some underlying knowledge on the subject. And hey, we get people un-afraid of math and start solving what amounts to engineering problems in a fun game maybe we'll get more engineers and scientists . Thoughts?