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Everything posted by Sean330i

  1. You can add me as a collaborator on github and I can handle the pull requests and page setup if you aren't comfortable with Github yet. This is Swater96 from (https://github.com/OvenProofMars/StarSystems/pull/1)
  2. Sucessfully was able to use CustomAsteroids to spawn around Corbo and Dolas. Close enough to planets for me! Basic Asteroids.cfg // Permanent fixtures in Custom Asteroids MODULEMANAGER[LOCAL] {} AsteroidSets { ASTEROIDGROUP { name = Dolas Test. centralBody = Dolas spawnRate = 10.0 orbitSize { type = SemimajorAxis // 0.5 AU min = 6799920128 // 4 AU max = 52859363534 } eccentricity { avg = 0.5 } inclination { avg = 7.5 } } ASTEROIDGROUP { name = Corbo Test. centralBody = Corbo spawnRate = 10.0 orbitSize { type = SemimajorAxis // 0.5 AU min = 6799920128 // 4 AU max = 52859363534 } eccentricity { avg = 0.5 } inclination { avg = 7.5 } } }
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