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Everything posted by Wambo333

  1. Changelog: added video Today I recorded and edited a video of some basic maneuvers of the SR-71. You can find it right above the download links or watch it here:
  2. Changelog: two versions available I now added download links for the basic version with small engines and a heavy version with bigger engines. So pick the one you like the most
  3. SR-71 Blackbird V1.0 (SP+ Stock Parts) Today I built this SR-71 with the new SP+ parts added in 0.25, which fit perfectly for this amazing stealth aircraft. I tried to get as close to the original as I could but there is one major difference. It has a total of 3 engines, 2x Jet and 1x Aerospike Rocket. I needed some weight in the back and it looks pretty cool I think, it now serves as an afterburner. Let me know what you think of the design and try it out yourself Note: This is NOT meant to be a spaceplane but of course you can upgrade it on your own. It's not working properly with FAR from what I've seen. Heavy Version Basic Version Recommended Mod: Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Download Heavy V1.0: http://www./download/pzjx5ny4ikfg8cq/SR-71+Blackbird+II.craft (heavy main engines, more fuel consumption, faster) Download Basic V1.0: http://www./download/owkbzu0jfg29cjk/SR-71+Blackbird.craft (small main engines, better fuel economy, slower) Move the .craft file to ...\Kerbal Space Program\Ships\SPH Press 1: Toggle afterburner/rocket engine Press 2: Toggle main engines My aircrafts: Moth Mk IV Flying Wing | SR-71 Blackbird
  4. I absolutely love the idea! Great work man
  5. Do you mean stalling in general or just while on low fuel? Do you have a link to your flying wing, I would love to try it
  6. I'm already working on the Mk V and that's a great idea. Thanks, I'll try that soon
  7. It has very much lift due to its wing size so its not likely to stall but I don't use FAR, so it may be different there. Just edited my post, now there is a download link at the bottom.
  8. Yeah I had to put them in the front to balance the heavy engines in the back but as I said I'm not very experienced in building planes in KSP, so I don't know all the tricks and intricacies yet I flew it quite a bit around Kerbin and didn't get any difficulties while on low fuel but I never actually flew it till the fuel went out. I guess I'm going to investigate this further ^^ Thanks, you can download the engine effects here: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/220207-hotrockets-particle-fx-replacement
  9. Very nice shape I also recently built a flying wing and would appreciate if you look it up http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/89308-Moth-Mk-IV-Flying-Wing
  10. The story I had an idea to create a stealth plane in KSP with some of the most popular models like the B-2 Spirit, SR-71 and the Flying Wing concepts in mind. I didn't want to build an exact copy, just a fun to fly, stealthy looking aircraft for my fleet. While Mk I-II, this plane had a lot of structural panels all over the wings, which made it look rather dark, like a giant moth. It's unique name was born. First this plane was a **** to fly, it spinned uncontrollable owing to the slightest turns and a lot of brave Kerbals had to sacrifice their lives in order to get this thing to the current Mk IV. As I'm very unexperienced in building (space)planes, it's been a long way for me with both a lot of general overhauls and minor optimizations since the first prototype to this stable Mk IV version. The Moth Mk IV Flying Wing is nothing special compared to all those amazing crafts out there but it's the first larger aircraft I built in KSP that actually flies pretty well and so I'm a bit proud of it. The aircraft This marvelous flying wing was developed in corporation with Jeb's Junkyard and an unknown German engineer with the code name Wambo333. It then was tested in a secret area near Kroom Lake in the Kevada desert. According to today's knowledge, many brave Kerbal pilots lost their lives within the testing program, that's why the government denied it was even developed on Kerbin for a long time. An early version (way to heavy in the back) A short video showing just some basic maneuvers at the KSC Download: https://www./download/a9f35a5a9155juq/Moth+Mk+IV.craft My aircrafts: SR-71 Blackbird | Moth Mk IV Flying Wing
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