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Everything posted by kittenhugs

  1. It seems I fixed it by remaking the rocket from scratch after seeing a post about old craft files. If I run into it again I'll be sure to run over to the FAR topic, thanks.
  2. Here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ak2oarltt2dqwlw/output_log.txt I saw that there were a bunch of FAR-related errors on there so I upgraded FAR to no avail, but then I tried running KSP without FAR and the lag went away. The lag only shows up when TAC 0.9pre 3 and the latest FAR are running side-by-side.
  3. It seems with the pre-release in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of 0.24, TAC parts cause my larger ships to lag a ridiculous amount (like sub-1 fps, compared to the 40-60 I get launching them normally). I've tried whittling down my mods and it's only when I have KSP running without TAC installed that I lose that lag; I even get it when I have TAC installed but don't have TAC-specific parts on my ship. I'm using version 0.9 pre-release 3.
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