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Everything posted by a8202286

  1. Is there a possibility to provide a open source like XML for text localization? I'm chinese,very like this game and I think many chinese peaple want to join this game,but the language is difficult for them even for me. Sometimes I have to check dictionary. If we have a open text source for localization, this will be very help. By the away, i konw the game is under development and have lot of changes in future. But I think a editable file for text is not very difficult for development.You just need a file like below. <contentList> <content contentuid="h0001d8b9g13d6g4605g85e9g708fe1e537c8">text1</content> <content contentuid="h000824a4gf6cfg4e7cgad12g3cf2b4473efe">text2</content> <contentList> In the program,you just need read the specific code to find the text. the text can be very easy to edit. Players can do the localization job by themsalves.
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