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Everything posted by monnikje

  1. Hey, I just registered so I could respond. Awesome work with FF! I saw you mentioning version 0.5.2, but on the front page I only see 0.5.1. With that I can't start a new game (I accidentally deleted my savegame when I updated to 0.24, silly me). I am using the following mods without problems so far with the 64-bits version: * ModuleManager v2.2.0 * Toolbar v1.7.4 * Environmental Visual Enhancements v7-3 * TextureReplacer v1.6.1 * Custom Asteroids v1.0.0 & Trans-Jool Pack * KittopiaTech Ingame Terraforming Tools v0.171 * Distant Object Enhancement v1.3 * Active Texture Management v3-2 Aggressive * CoolRockets! v0.5 * HotRockets! v7.1 * Chatterer v0.5.9.4 * Soundtrack Editor v2.1 * Atmospheric Sound Enhancement v2.1.1 * KSP Renaissance Compilation v01.515 * Better Atmospheres v5 High-Res * Astronomer's Visual Pack v3 beta I also have updated the RealSolarSystem.dll that the Renaissance compilation uses.
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