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Everything posted by Fithian

  1. Haven't used Anti Virus in 17 years of internet, and the internet used to be a lot darker in the pre-google days. Common sense is all you need. I'm a Network engineer btw.
  2. I'm like a drunken Russian when I dock, I really need RCS, cameras, rope, grappling hook, glue...whatever I can get my hands on really
  3. I bet this has been asked a bazillion times, but I just can't see the right answer...or question for that matter. I know about Gravity hack, and that's not what I'm after. I want to change gravity on Kerbin to match Eve, so I can test landers out rather than flying all the way there to find out it it's a fail. is this possible? I know there's equations you can use, but I'm allergic to math with letters in.
  4. Yeah, that was the plan too, but there was an imbalance, so you had to keep fine tuning the thrusters. In the second revision I solved it by using the half cans at either end of the lab. Worked perfectly and landed back home without chutes.
  5. What an idiot, so embarrassed now >< That's a stack decoupler. I can land the whole thing with parachutes, but it still comes down pretty quick. If it got a bit hairy I was going to dump the fuel can. I wanted to try and recover the lot if possible.
  6. Hi Guys. Mostly lurk here as there's usually an answer to every question I've had up until now. But alas, I need ye help! Pre V25 my lunar (munar) rover worked fine. Now in the new release the four rear engines won't fire due to lack of fuel. As you can see I've tried to feed fuel from Engine > Engine and from Tank > Engine, but the status is still, no oxidiser. Bug? or am I doing something wrong?
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