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Everything posted by Koemf

  1. I looked the crater up on the map on this site: http://www.kerbalmaps.com/?body=mun (located at 17, 123) It looks like the K effect is just because of the shadows, but it is still very interesting.
  2. Atm (=atmosphere) is a way to measure air pressure. 1 atm means that the pressure is equal to the atmospheric pressure (of Kerbin in this case) at sea level, so 0.01 atm means 1% of the pressure at sea level. You can find more info about this on this wiki page: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Atmosphere
  3. The launch windown planner is really handy, but what is the difference between Ballistic, Mid-Course Plane Change and Optimal?
  4. Ok thx for you help
  5. I have a Skywatcher Explorer 150PL, and I think its a nice telescope. I bought it two years ago, total incl. all accesoires cost me about €500, but you can also get great beginner telescopes for less money, which allow you to see Jupiter + moons and the rings of Saturn. I would recommend visiting an online astronomy forum: I got a lot of help from the Dutch astronomy forum and they also recommended this telescope to me. This will also help you to get into contact with other people sharing this hobby. And I wouldn't recommend building your own telescope when you have (almost) no experience with them.
  6. So the question is in the title: how large is a launch window? I'm planning to send fleets of ships at the same time to a planet, but I want to have some time in between so that I can maneouvre the first ship into orbit before the second one crashes or flies past the planet, so I want to know how much time I have to launch the ships from Kerbin. (I can imagine that planets with larger gravity wells have bigger launch windows, is this true?)
  7. Hello everyone! My name is Koemf, I live in the Netherlands. I already have quite some experience with KSP but I never thought of joining the forum. Hopefully I will learn a lot of new things from you people. (I already have a question: how do I change my profile pic? I cant seem to change it because I cant uncheck the "Do not use avatar" option)
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