I have a boring UI bug. I have blizzy's toolbar installed, and I checked off the Trajectories box, but it doesn't appear. I want to turn on (or off?) body-fixed mode so that my landing predictions are accurate. In case I misunderstand the issue, here's a detailed decription of the problem symptoms: When I go to plan re-entry, I make a maneuver node so that the impact X is where I want ti (usually the KSC). I usually plan this about a quarter to a half orbit before the actual burn so I have lots of time to tweak it. After I actually execute the burn my blue orbit matches up with the trajectory, until it hits the atmosphere, as expected. Once I'm actyually in the atmosphere though, both my blue orbit and the red line go down, and I end up landing way short of the target. I figure this is either because Trajectories is not accounding for the rotation of the planet, or because i'm using NEAR, and that's somehow messing up the calculations.