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Posts posted by hoylemd

  1. Hey Kerbonauts!

    I'm designing an LKO fuel depot for fuelling many different resuable craft, and I have a design question: Should the station have a large permanent fuel tanks(s), or should it dock semi-permanent tanker ships that are then discarded when empty? With the latter, the workflow would be like this: send up full tanker -> dock to station -> refuel many ships with it's payload -> undock tanker and return to Kerbin -> launch and dock replacement tanker.

    I would still need tankers for the permanent tanks to refuel them, but I expect permanent tanks would result in a sturdier station.

    What do you think?

  2. Preparing to command the first few assembly missions to Midway Station - a LKO waypoint station intended to serve as a fuel depot and transfer station. She will oversee/pilot the station assembly missions.

    This is usually an honor reserved for Jeb, but he opened his chutes to early on the ordt orbital mission.

  3. I just launched a couple of satellites, and simplified my manual launch delay schedule. I set a recurring alarm with KAC for every 7 days, so my launches are always in the morning (ensuring a daylight launch) and putting a week between launches so I'm not going from the first ever launch to colonizing jool in a month. I want to use KCT for this, but it keeps bugging out :(

  4. I have a boring UI bug.

    I have blizzy's toolbar installed, and I checked off the Trajectories box, but it doesn't appear. I want to turn on (or off?) body-fixed mode so that my landing predictions are accurate.

    In case I misunderstand the issue, here's a detailed decription of the problem symptoms:

    When I go to plan re-entry, I make a maneuver node so that the impact X is where I want ti (usually the KSC). I usually plan this about a quarter to a half orbit before the actual burn so I have lots of time to tweak it. After I actually execute the burn my blue orbit matches up with the trajectory, until it hits the atmosphere, as expected. Once I'm actyually in the atmosphere though, both my blue orbit and the red line go down, and I end up landing way short of the target. I figure this is either because Trajectories is not accounding for the rotation of the planet, or because i'm using NEAR, and that's somehow messing up the calculations.

  5. One thing I often forget is to check my staging. If there were a 'staging test' we could run in the VAB that would be amazing. basically, just run each stage separation after a short delay so you can actually see what they do. Bonus points if you can tune the gravity for it, so you can see what it'll look like at the actual separation.

    That might detract from the kerbal-ness of the experience though.

    Do the joystick changes mean we'll see separate mappings for planes and rockets?

  6. Hey KSPers,

    I'm trying to lift station parts into orbit, but I'm having trouble building a lift vehicle that can take more than 8 or so tonnes to orbit. I try just making more asparagus stages, or longer main stages, but they always seem to start flipping when I start my gravity turn. Is there something I'm not taking into account here, or do I just need to do steeper ascent paths for heavy lift?


  7. Hey folks, I've got a probe in HKO and I'm trying to change it's orbit to a very specific one for a Fine Print mission. I've matched the orbital plane, but I'm not quite shure how to get it to match exactly.


    The Teal line is my current orbit. Orange dotted line is my next planned maneuver, and the green line is the orbit I'm trying to change to. The blue line is irrelevant - ignore it :P

    So how do I shift it over?

  8. This all sounds pretty great! Fine Print has been on my must-have mod list since it came out (And was called Extra Contracts).

    One thing that I havent seen mentioned in this thread (unless I missed it) is that the upgradable buildings may be hinting at something like Extraplanetary launchpads. It would be really cool if a *very* advanced space program could have an orbital shipyard. Obviously, you'd need to ship fuel and stuff to it, but maybe you'd need to dock an asteroid to it to let it build things? Then asteroids would be *way* more useful!

    Rock(et) on, SQUAD!

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