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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Tiberion exactly got the point! For me that's no problem. I check my spam folder regularly. But others probably don't. Maybe that's exactly the problem of some users in this thread for example: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87108-Subscription-to-thread-isn-t-notifying-by-email-of-new-posts
  2. My intention to tell you this spamassassin thing is that I think there may be some other users with the same problem. Either they all need to whitelist KSP forum or KSP forum needs to edit something in its config or whatever. I don't know if that's even possible. Just wanted to let you know that there may be users who don't get the forum mails and don't know why because they don't look in their spam folder regularly.
  3. Did you try right clicking twice in a row (Not a double right click, just several normal slow right clicks in a row on the SCS)? Or maybe remove the SCS part in VAB and put it back on the vessel? One of these or both helped for me.
  4. This post is addressed to any forum admin. I don't know who is the right address, so I just start a thread. Maybe other spamassassin users want to ACK. That's what spamassassin on my mailserver doesn't like in the automated forum notifier mails (forum@kerbalspaceprogram.com): -0.0 SPF_HELO_PASS SPF: HELO-Name entspricht dem SPF-Datensatz 1.2 RCVD_HELO_IP_MISMATCH HELO-Name und IP-Adresse in Kopfzeilen passen nicht 0.9 RCVD_NUMERIC_HELO "Received"-Kopfzeilen enthalten numerische HELO-Identifikation 2.0 FSL_HELO_BARE_IP_2 FSL_HELO_BARE_IP_2 That's a total of 4 points where only 3 already are needed for spam marking. Maybe other spamassassin users have the same results and maybe the forum admins are interested in and able to change anything that helps to avoid their mails going directly to spam folders. And no, I won't just increase the required spam marker points.
  5. I feel so ashamed! Indeed I had the version 0.13 from Curse and didn't realize that that's not the newest version as mentioned in this thread. After I manually downloaded and installed version 0.13.1 it finally shows its buttons. But it also needed several test starts of KSP until I got it that far. I think rebuilding my kOS test craft rather than using the old saved one was the essential point. Or maybe just a second right click on the SCS. I'm not sure.
  6. Am I the only one, who don't get any buttons an both kOS parts? I searched the internet many hours for my problem, but couldn't find anything! The problem in specific: Tested on minimal config (KSP 0.24, both 32 and 64 bit) with only kOS 0.13.1 mod in sandbox mode. The spacecraft has these parts: - CX-4181 SCS - FL-T100 Tank - 4x LT-5 Micro Landing Struts - 4x LV-1R Liquid Fuel Engines - 4x OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels - RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit - Z-1k Battery I click Launch in VAB, and on Launchpad I rightclick the SCS, but there are no buttons. None for toggle on or off and none for opening the editor. So what's my problem?? I'm really confused! OS is Win8 64bit
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