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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Now only if we could get more people to use the name. There should even be a tutorial, where Jebediah himself walks you through it. XD - - - Updated - - - I don't know, I mean yeah she said it. But they had futuristic stuff, and quick rescue options. XD
  2. Has anyone else recovered a space ship, when it ran out of fuel..? By pushing it back, using the kerbal EVA jetpack? I have some pictures. Where my space ship was at the Mun, during my rescue operation. What had happen was rather embarrassing. I made the corrections need to get back to kermin. However, I did not account for the Mun to pull me back. So I ran out of fuel. Had a kerbal inside and some scientific data I wanted. So my bright Ideal was to spend nearly 2 1/2 hour. Pushing the space ship back. What gave me this idea? I started to think about what you would do. If your car ran out of gas not far from your home. In my case I would just push it back. So by channeling Jebediah, I manage to push the rocket all the way home. (Succesfully) The second question is simple. Should this technique be called the Jebediah maneuver? Stranded in space, no fuel, and carrying very important scientific data. The kerbal scientist scramble to find away to recover the rocket and Kerbal. However, Jebediah Kermin was tired of listening to the science geeks. So took matters into his own hand. When he started to push his rocket back home. Scientist tried yelling at Jeb, only to find he had cut communication. After several hours of watching the trail and clock. All the scientist were struck dumb when it worked. Several scientist retired that day, while others still deny it being possible. Jeb only had this to say. "Eh?" Jeb had gone home with his beautiful wife. Who only commented on her hero receiving the best care and rest.
  3. Thank you for the welcome. Yes I'm not expecting perfection, this early... I don't really think I can think of perfection even when they reach v1.00. Since a lot of big name games, with lots of money put into them. Still have huge bugs, and very questionable parts of gameplay. Though, yeah I would love a couple of tweaks maybe in v0.26. Not a whole lot or a complete rewrite. But, maybe a nudge here and there. But, thanks for the information. I'll give it a try, the next time I go to take my plane out.
  4. Not much of a pilot, I was also unaware the game had trims. Bit of helpful info, though it still leaves issues of blowback. I was not only talking about simulators... Plus it depends on the simulator and settings. I've played some that are pretty realistic, while needing the full set up. From the stick to the peddles to fly correctly. But it feels stick, while being nearly impossible to turn correctly. Along with the setting is to fast in altitude lost or gain. You can set a craft at certain speeds on a near zero gain/loss. It would depend on balance, make, and thrust. It just feels to stick, almost like the only difference between your rockets and plane. Is one has a different engine and look. But it flies the same, while in real life. A rocket does not fly anything like a plane. Remember, they said Discovery was like flying a brick.
  5. There is also a difference in scientific gain. Perhaps, letting time also dictate info. It does not increase the amount of science, while certain time frames can yield info. Like instant, will let you know how it reacts quickly in an environment. One day can be used to show effects of 24hrs, than the next mile stone would be a week, than months, etc. But they can only be done once, and it has to be spread out. Maybe that could be implemented with the reputation?
  6. While more tweaking would be nice. Maybe others are feeling it, or maybe I'm not doing something right..? But if it could be tweaked where you have your nose even with the horizon. That would be the direction of the planes heading. Though this could be hard to implement with how rockets would feel. But, some stability corrections in the planes would be nice. So the craft can fly in a straight line with little need for corrections. So it doesn't feel like you are trying to fly a rocket with wings. But instead flying a real aircraft.
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