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  1. Hi marqush, the "mod" is just really a part. You should create a folder with 67P in your game folder. \Kerbal Space Program\Parts\P67 In this folder you should have the following files: 67_P_Chury-Gera.mu 67_P_Churyumov–Gerasimenko_texture.png part.cfg The fourth file is to make 67P to appear in your game. (If anybody knows how to make this automatic please help.) You need to edit a savegame of yours, so make a backup of it. Open a persistent.sfs file and add it to it, the data for this you can find in the file: add to persistent.sfs.txt . To do this properly without breaking your savegame, look for Exactly before this copy the following data: This will put chury in an orbit around Kerbin with 100km orbit height. If you want more realistic comet behaviour you should try the following orbit parameters. If there are anymore problems, let me know. Cheers, Ksat
  2. Hello again, due to request, if you want the model: Link! Cheers, KSat
  3. Hello Captain_Party of course you can. Link! The model is only one 10th of the real size, because Kerbal Space Clipping Distance is 2.3km. And you wouldn't see a 4km comet before being inside it. And you have to cheat it into orbit. So there is a file with text that you can copy to your persistent file. Cheers, KSat
  4. Hello Sovereign Winter, very nice video indeed! Would you be interested to have the real 67P Model for KSP? I made the model for KSP fo a video of myself, but your Rosetta is sooo much better than mine! Cheers, KSat
  5. Hello fellow Kerbonauts, in light of todays upcoming events, I made a complete mission visualisation of the Rosetta mission, including the landing of Philae. The only part that is not stock, is the original comet model of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. If you like to play with the comet yourself, contact me for the KSP Model. Cheers, KSat
  6. Hello Kerbonauts, I should have done this some time ago: For the cubesat frame: I already did the 1U and 2U CubeSat Frames for KSP and astropapi did some textures. If you need a editable CATIA-Model just ask. Cheers, KSat
  7. Hello deljr15, for a quick search I found two acceptable sources. First the corresponding wikipedia entry Verification (Spaceflight) and a ugly NASA presentation: NASA and AQEC cmse04.ppt Problem for custom made stuff is that you need to qualify it yourself and the qualification procedures itself needs to be accepted by the launch vehicle operators. Usually this includes some virtual simulations and at least one experiment in a vacuum chamber with thermal loads. For the moment I do not have any specific pointers to documents that describe these requirements, I'm sorry. Cheers, KSat
  8. Hello deljr15, nice to see a fellow engineer in the KSP forum. I suppose you are currently not working in aerospace industry? The prices for space qualified components are usually about ten times (or more) than the prices for normal earth-based stuff. Mostly because of the qualification process, every component need to be qualified and verified to sustain the loads and forces of launch and in orbit. Also you have to check every possible failure mode that might occur, and prove that this failure mode means no harm to other systems like your launch vehicle or the ISS. It is very likely that custom made components are better and the material cost is cheaper, but they surely wont be cheaper when you take the qualification process into the calculation. Even a simple shaker test will cost about 1k €/$. Cheers, KSat
  9. Hello astropapi, I made some more pictures. I think your textures do look great. Thank you. Maybe the models and textures should find its way to to the CommunityCubeSat Homepage? Cheers, KSat
  10. Hello NERVAfan, I would recommend, if you want to use a smartphone camera with extra lens as microscope (which is cool), that you do not take the camera out of the phone, but put the phone into the cubsat. Smartphones make good onboard computers, but use one that needs only small amount of power , so no iPhone i guess. Cheers, KSat
  11. Hello astropapi1, i quote again some Akins Laws (I like them): 9. Not having all the information you need is never a satisfactory excuse for not starting the analysis. So just give it a shot with the stuff we already know. And for the rest: 10. When in doubt, estimate. In an emergency, guess. But be sure to go back and clean up the mess when the real numbers come along. So you have the artistic freedom for the design, as long as it its not utterly implausible. But be also aware, when the project progresses and cleaning up in progress the design will change: 4. Your best design efforts will inevitably wind up being useless in the final design. Learn to live with the disappointment. But having a first design, that is going to change, is better than having no design. Also if the kickstarter campaign is launched, it is much much better to have a video with a spacecraft than some textual description. Cheers, KSat
  12. Hello henryasia, I hope I am not confusing your post for irony. The "latin" you mean is a commonly used as a place holder for layouting news papers etc. See here :Lorem Ipsum Cheers, KSat
  13. Hello again, just to sooth the mind of the people who worry about the orbit littering. And to conform with Akins first law of spacecraft design: "1. Engineering is done with numbers. Analysis without numbers is only an opinion." In the graphic you will find the time of operation time till reentry. Find here information for the ballistic coefficient. I took the graphic from a space systems lecture from Prof. Fasoulas University of Stuttgart. Maybe one technical detail, the deorbit time depends on the solar activity because high activity means more radiation, means denser highatmosphere, means higher drag, means faster decay. Cheers KSat
  14. Hello Nicholander, So are there any volunteers to make a cool texture for the 1U CubeSat? You Nicholander? If somebody need the blend or unity-files to refine the models contact me. Cheers, KSat
  15. Hello, my models are ready to deploy. Feel free to texturize the CubeSats as you wish them. I made the texture maps easy so you can edit them without any hassle of UV mapping. There are Side A, Side B , Side C , Side D , Back and Front. Also you can give the truss and the feet the color you like. Also every face could have an engine. For further details look into the Howto file inside the package. The pack includes a 1U and 2U CubeSat. You can download the pack here. Cheers, KSat
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