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  1. Kosis creates ship, preset, ect. on the local drive and initialize tmp. Then kosis_cfg call them: ship just sets a flag, volume, file and init write in a file called tmp, and preset write presetS. Then kosis deletes them and runs tmp which deletes itself right at the beginning and do a bunch of copy and rename.
  2. I have found that the runway is oriented to the heading 90.399787902832. The difference is small, but it is visible if you need a long distance to takeoff. My firsts serious scripts were for spaceplanes. As long as you are not trying some serious flying like turning or level flight (for that you will need to write a PID controller), it works well enough. That's what you get for committing without testing. Just corrected it. It's intentional: I try not to have too much of a overhead. I indented boot.txt because it's not really needed, and I removed even more spaces in kosis_boot.txt
  3. If any one is interested, I've used the new boot functionality to make a kind of bootloader. It initialises crafts on the launchpad based on a config file. You can copy scripts, presets variables, autorun a script,... on a per craft basis. Let's just say that it uses a lot of log "commands" to foo. run foo. delete foo. trickery. kOSis: k-OS Initialistaion System Here is a (non functional) exemple of what the config file looks like: run PRESET("ksc", geoposition). run INIT("toolkit"). run SHIP("My SSTO"). run AUTORUN("myssto", "takeoff"). run PRESET("sstospClimbPitch", 30). run PRESET("sstospLevelAlt", 20000). run PRESET("sstospLevelPitch", 15). run PRESET("sstospRocketPitch", 45). run VOLUME("myssto"). run INIT("plane_toolkit"). run INIT("space_toolkit"). run FILE("myssto_takeoff", "takeoff"). run SHIP("My Satellite"). run AUTORUN("launcher", "launch"). run PRESET("orbitAltitude", 500). run PRESET("orbitInclination", 85). run VOLUME("launcher"). run FILE("launcher_launch", "launch"). run INIT("space_toolkit"). run VOLUME("mysatellite"). run FILE("satellite_mainscript","boot"). run INIT("space_toolkit"). run INIT("toolkit").
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