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Everything posted by PeteMatthews

  1. Well - I sort-of expected that asking people to show off would be popular, but I'll admit that I didn't expect quite this level of contribution... I'm going to need to find a way to manage this lot now, which is an extremely nice problem to have Thanks to everyone who have thrown images my way, both on here and via email - My lovely 1.5Mb DSL is creaking pretty heavily at this point, but I'll get through it all somehow. There are some absolutely fantastic images in this lot - I'll admit that before I started this I wondered about the level of participation I might get, and wondered if making it "Of The Week" might be a better bet, but at this rate, I'm going to have to get posting a lot quicker For anyone who wants a nicer way of tracking this lot, they're also published to a Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/kerbalspacepicoftheday), and a Twitter feed (https://twitter.com/kspotd_net) if you're not loving the wallpaper/RSS options. Let me know if there are any other feature requests, etc. There have been a few submissions that are great images, but are a little smaller than I might like for my personal wallpaper (I'm running a few high res screens at work) - I don't want to skip over the images, as they're great, so I might sometimes post a montage or polaroid-pile-type image to get some of them in there together. I'll ensure that things are attributed properly, and really hope this won't offend anyone. Anyway - Thanks again, everyone - I just hope the site is useful/entertaining and does justice to all these great shots Pete
  2. Excellent - thanks so much - Some posted now, and some scheduled for the future Can you check and let me know if you're unhappy with the attribution, etc? Precisely, just more kerbally. As is typical for the internet, there are an awful lot of very talented people out there, building KSP kit that I can only dream of. It makes for great wallpaper. Does lead to some slightly odd conversations at work, though There's some absolutely lovely stuff there, but (at least for the moment) I'd prefer to keep it on a deliberate submission basis - I'm keen to see and promote the work that other people have done, and the last thing I want to do is seem like I'm trying to rip off or profit from anyone else's hard work. I might relax that in the future - we'll see how it goes. Thanks for the suggestion though (and I'll spend a while perusing anyway ) Nice - I'll get it in the schedule - Many thanks.
  3. A little while ago, I tried to find a nice way of setting up some KSP wallpaper with constantly updating images, and came up empty - So I went a created one, and now I need everyone's help filling it, if you'd be so kind. I've got Kerbal Space Pic Of The Day up and running and tweaked as I'd like, and now all I need is some nice images. If you're producing shiny shiny KSP shots, I'd really appreciate it if you let me use them for the site - Full credit/attribution will always be given, and all the details are at http://kspotd.net/about-us/. There's also a guide there on how to use the feed to give you shiny, constantly updating KSP wallpaper, although obviously that'll be a little more interesting when I've got some images up. NASA has a shiny Pic Of The Day feed - Why wouldn't Jeb? He's certainly got more boosters to show off Please let me know if you've got any questions or suggestions, and I'll do my best to get back to you ASAP.
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