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Posts posted by AJLSpace85

  1. On 5/26/2020 at 4:51 PM, Beach Boy said:

    I've been trying to use craft files to create the Artemis Rocket (because building one from scratch it will invariably cause the rocket to break apart in some way on the launch pad.) However, the craft won't be constructed because it says I'm missing three parts that I don't have from the . These parts are called "ORION.COMMAND.MODULE.new5", "ParachuteCap5", and "LH2TankDCSS". I have the parts that these file names indicate, but since they aren't these exact files, I can't load the rocket. Any advice on how to create the craft file

    Did you every find a fix to this?

  2. Soon the Great People of Kerbin shall once again stretch forth our wings and embrace the beautiful and magnificent worlds hanging so tantalizingly before us in the Void. And it will be the thunderous and breath-taking machines of Chaka Monkey Exploration Systems that take us valiantly to our destiny. Our brave Kerbalnauts are ready. Our launch crews prepared. We but wait the word.

    (Yanfret, as always you and your team are creating some incredibly beautiful spacecraft. Can't wait to fly them.)

    Couldn't have said it better myself! Right now my space program has established a low orbit space station to train the next generation of Kerbalnauts who will explore the heavens aboard these marvels of space travel!

  3. Make sure you've installed the latest version of RealChute, then run the game and try to attach a parachute. Next, post a link to your player.log. You can locate that by reading this post. It helps to right-click on "player.log" in Console and choose Reveal in Finder.

    Just redownloaded the mod. I moved both GameData folders to my GameData folder in KSP... got nothing. I then went into each GameData and pulled the "Realchutes" and "ModuleManager" Folders and put them in GameData. I get the chutes once again like before, but still no staging icons or anything.

    I am really sorry to be bothering you folks with this and I don't want to look like a moron for something simple, but this is still new to me...

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