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Everything posted by cwfilson

  1. Tracked vehicles. Two man capsule. I wish at the very least the attachable struts from KAS were part of stock. In previous versions of stock I could just launch a ridiculous strutted monstrosity of a station or base. With aero, I have to do it piecemeal and assemble in space. I would love attachable struts to increase stability/rigidity since I can't launch these things in one piece anymore. C
  2. My Jeb is is equatorial orbiting Mun in the command capsule while Alman is landed near the rim of the canyon to the east of the East Farside Crater. Bob is keeping Jeb company in the command capsule.
  3. So I landed in the canyon that runs east of the East Farside Crater. After running science experiments and making crew reports, etc., I lifted off to try and take science at the rim of the canyon (expecting Midlands or some such). Weirdly, the biome location for the rim of the canyon was Southwest Crater. Surely that must be an error. Has anyone else had this problem? Below is a screen shot of where it showed up:
  4. Do the different antennae have any functional difference, now? C
  5. I use Greek mythology names. They mostly make sense (either they connect to the Roman name of the planet, or have some other connection; a few do not): Kerbin Sub Orbital - Hestia (Home & Hearth) Kerbin Orbital - Demeter (Harvesting the seeds sown in the Hestia Missions) Kerbin Atmospheric - Hermes (Messenger) Satellites - Apollo (Light and Knowledge) Mapping Satellites - Poseidon (Delving the Depths) Supply/Refuel - Dionysus (Juice!) Mun - Artemis (Moon) Minmus - Selene (2nd Moon) Rescue - Athena (Protector) Eve - Aphrodite (Venus) Duna - Ares (Mars) Jool - Zeus (Jupiter) Jolian Moons - Hera (Wife of Jupiter) Extra Kerbin Bases - Hades (Other Realm, Darkness) Space Stations - Hephaestus (Craftsman) Trans Jolian - Cronus I usually just use a simple Roman numeral afterward.
  6. Before everyone starts freaking out, I am not asking when it is coming out. Usually before a game actually releases there is an official date for release (for marketing reasons, usually). KSP's patches up until now have just come when they are ready, but 1.0 seems like it will be a different kettle of fish. I believe they will have a release date that they will set pretty close to when they are ready to go. I figure maybe a week or so prior to that date we (the general public) will be told. I am curious what others think. One, will there be a release date given and, two, how far out from the release date might we be told about it? On a related note, did the asteroid mission get a release date? Speculate away. C
  7. I am having much more success! I think the key was using linear mode with SAS. I was able to hit 100kph crossing the Minmus Greater Flats to go recover some science data. It still took way longer than hopping over on my lander, but nevertheless it was a fun little drive.
  8. On a side note, has anyone had a problem regaining control of your Kerbalnaut after flipping a rover? It seems if they go ragdoll in the control seat I can't doing anything with them when I have switched to them. It is as if they are catatonic from the rollover.
  9. The title says it all. I'm look for strategies for keeping my wheels on the ground. The thing loves to flip. I'm curious what people do to make successful Mun rovers.
  10. ​Kerbals not hanging on to ladders. Just annoying.
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