can anyone give me any pointers in getting this working. I have Active Texture Management (ATM) and ALCOR working in game. everything this great except for 2 (two) discrepancies. 1. i get the black bands on top and below along side with the black door. - - and 2. while in IVA none of the windows transparencies work. - I added the "ASET Blacklist Config" exception file to \GameData\BoulderCo\ActiveTextureManagerConfigs (where it seems most of the configs are). ok, now for the deducing. issue 1, the black bars/door seems to be a ATM problem. thought still i have no fix for, i've added the exception file to the GameData root with no results. i guess i just have to keep digging into the 112 pages worth of comments. The transparency (and white screens) seems to be a Raster Prop Monitor issue and is a new issue at that. i've done a reinstall (fresh including root files) and it still occurs. is there a wiki, source or knowledgebase for ATM,RPM or ALOR? something that i can read on in regards to how things are handled. maybe i can find a lead or at least mitigate the issues. anywho. thanks for any guidance, good'day. (sorry for the links, apparently i don't have the privileges of embedding)