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Everything posted by TheMaster99

  1. I personally don't see the need to merge the core and the fuel tank, and certainly no reason to include versions both with and without. It's only a single part difference, and I find it hard to agree with the "less parts -> less lag" argument because it's only a difference of a single part. I can't see a single part ever having a significant impact on performance.
  2. If it makes any difference, I'd vote for the cargo dragon if it would let me (presumably locked out of polls bc all I do is lurk so to the site I'm no different than a bot).
  3. Looking forward to the cargo dragon! While Laztek's parts look amazing, it doesn't feel quite right to use an exact replica in KSP. The Rodan however fits perfectly (hence it being stockalike ) and will probably become the only pod I use, along with the Cargo Rodan, once I unlock it/them in my career! Keep up the good work!
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