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Everything posted by Snowwy

  1. Whoa! That's CRAZY fast, to me. I better throw some big stonking reaction wheels on my next flight and see what it does. I can report that my current test flight (much lighter 40-ton spaceplane with starting orbital TWR of .8) did in fact perform an accurate intercept burn (thank you for your help!). I kept it choked off as always so my burn took more like two minutes, but instead of throwing me clean out of Kerbin's SoI it instead gave me a 200km intercept. That's completely acceptable and your input goes a long way to explaining what was going wrong. I'll try it with the heavy next, but for now I'm calling it solved.
  2. Ouch. I did in fact find that my MJ install was problematical. I'm starting a test launch now and will report back.
  3. futrtrubl, Thanks! I have CKAN installed (mostly so I don't have to track things like that)- the current MJ install is 2.4.2. This has happened with a number of ships with TWR ranging from .1 to 1 (I tend to skimp on space propulsion for the sake of stability- even when I have stronger engines I tend never to run them hard. Yes I know this means I'm building them wrong. ) Most recently a 100-ton-class spaceplane (91 tons after orbital refuelling) with a TWR of .43 missed. The orbit of my Deep Space Launch station is in fact circular, and my intercepts are starting from circular orbits around Kerbin, usually in the 150-300km altitude. Sounds to me like that assumption you mention is in fact the source of the problem, as it takes a fair bit of delta-v to make the climb. If I'm throttled down all the time that would tend to exacerbate the issue, yes?
  4. So here's a wierd scenario I've run across a number of times. I've got a deep space transfer station on the ecliptic orbiting very high above Kerbin- 30,000km. So far MechJeb has overshot every single intercept its plotted to this station, forcing me to manually correct the rendezvous burn. I'm not talking about a mild overshoot- MechJeb seems to burn until beyond Kerbin escape. Is there something I'm doing wrong here, or does MJ somehow cheat the known orbital body rendezvouses? It has no problem hitting Minmus at 40,000 nor Mun. KSP .90 Beta, Win8.1, only parts mods other than MJ. The overburns occur with both stock and mod engines, ion and chemical. If there's a factor I'm not mentioning please so say and I'll dig it out ASAP.
  5. Thank you for the quick reply! Here, let me attach a bunch of my craft and you can tell me if they're behaving the same way for you. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7367763/Yasmin%20FSCT-8B.craft https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7367763/Y-14A%20Fionda.craft https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7367763/SPEX-13%20Revolution.craft https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7367763/SP-8%20Yasmin.craft - - - Updated - - - Jovus, Aqua, So far as I know I have NOT installed FAR, but I note that the install I have has some mods in it that I don't recall installing. I will go looking. Thank you both, yes this sounds like my issue- above 20km altitude now seems bloody impossible. If I manage to find it I will disable it and report back! - - - Updated - - - I *DO* have B9 Aerospace installed! And Yes, another new thing I'm seeing is module manager messages when the game is starting! So now I have two possible problems on hand. Got a link for instructions to fix that? I'm no purist for realism.
  6. So ever since I started building spaceplanes in KSP I have been *OBSESSED*. So much more fun than rockets, for me. I think it's the frustrated Air Force pilot in me. Anyway, I've got quite a selection of craft I've been tweaking and refining since .22 and had lately been flying them with a quickness to orbit in .90 x64 on Windows. Then I repaired an old high-performance desktop of mine and switched over to 32-bit KSP, .90. And suddenly none of my previously-exemplary (I mean seriously, 200km AP without touching the rocket engines) can even get above 1200m/s. What changed, please? I'm completely confused that a starting TWR of 3.8 and a GLOW of 14 tons doesn't result in a plane that can burn itself up in the upper atmosphere! I'm a MechJeb-only player. I can fly in atmo, but space completely tangles my reflexes. So when I can't even trigger anti-flameout, I wonder what's gone wrong...
  7. I can tell you from painful experience- do not try to use MechJeb for flying your plane! Use SAS for stabilisation and fly it yourself. I'm a MechJeb devotee so I hate to say it, but for airfoils of any sort you just can't trust it.
  8. Well I'm very very glad that I started reading here BEFORE trying to send the spaceplane I had staged up for Duna. Guess that bad boy's going to Laythe instead.
  9. Utterly, utterly dependent on it, but only in space. SAS makes atmospheric flight a joy so I fly my own planes, but in space I. am. rubbish. So the computers do everything but plan my missions for me.
  10. I dunno, I can hold my breath a long....wait. We're talking an hour or two, right?
  11. Hmmmmmm. And here I was just wondering what to do with the decommissioned 12-core server I'm about to get from work. Now I think I know...
  12. *sigh* I know. I know that my dreams are a hopeless, distant, creation-of-the-universe-probability desire. But I can't help it. How much cooler would it be to argue with someone over mission parameters, design ideas, or even the suitability of a given part? The idea brings me to tears with its potential beauty. Moreover, though, this was the one think I could think of that I was brave enough to post about. These forums are bewildering to jump into midstream. I don't comprehend half of what I read, and I've been playing for...hell almost a year now. Anyway, thanks for replying! It's nice to talk to someone, even when they call you stupid.
  13. Gods I'm so lame. Year 46 in career mode. Last night's accomplishments: Completion of Caster Station - LKO transfer station containing fuel and RCS reserves. Berthing for 20 Kerbals, and yes almost my entire kerbonaut corps is up there. Docking for Antietam, my high-orbit tug, and WASP, my low orbit tug, plus additional docks for spaceplanes and intrasystem ships. Flight of Albert Mk 8 spaceplane to LKO to await tow to Caster Station
  14. Please please please! I know I'm a total n00b on these fora. This is my very first post. I've been playing since .22(?) and my one overriding, burning desire has been to compete and collaborate with others in real time. If I have to come to your offices and scrub floors, make coffee (I make damn good coffee) and be a footstool for people I will. Just, I beg you. Squad devs, hear my prayer. PLEASE OH PLEASE OH PLEASE MAKE KERBAL SPACE RACE A REALITY.
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