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Everything posted by Waldo78

  1. Hey Jefferson, I'm still having issues with taking things out of containers. It may not be KAS in general because the same thing happens to LLL's containers. I've tried 3 fresh 64 bit game installs. (and yes i have been installing the game and mods correctly as you have stated step by step) Any idea where I can go to paste the errors and help me track it down? I know someone told me the debug error isn't very helpful. But this it what it says: [Exception]: MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Part.LoadModule'. That's all it shows me. Thanks for your patch and hard work. It at least allows me to use the mod and completely works for most others out there. On a side note, a few posts back I saw some talk about problems on Minmus. Sometimes when I load into my base there it begins to float up in the air about 20m and then gravity takes hold of it again. Sometimes my station doesn't land flat and topples over and things break off so I just reload and continue when it lands correctly. [Details]: Kethane drill base with KAS pipes to a rover and a fuel tanker. Only seems to do this on load in and only when pipes are connected. It could also be that I am on a slight incline. I don't really know but it is kinda weird.
  2. Finally got something in debug: [Exception]: MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Part.LoadModule'. Done with fresh install with the patch instead of overwrite or replace. New save on sandbox as well.
  3. I'm having the same issue with containers not letting you pull things out of them. I've tried running no other mods but KAS and have done 3 fresh installs along with and w/o your fix. I prefer your fix for the explosions fix though lol. Not showing any debug messages on the containers either. Im on windows 7 64bit and ksp 64. Everything else works perfectly.
  4. Just tested on all modes. None of my containers will let you take the items out. In VAB it charges money for the container but it doesn't charge for the parts placed inside it. I'm guessing since it doesn't charge for the parts then it's just adding text instead of actual items in the containers. Kind of like adding text to a flag. Just to clarify, I'm running windows 7 64 bit.
  5. I don't explode anymore but I can't seem to get anything out of the containers. I edit the parts into the container in the VAB but I see no kerbal cash cost added to the overall ship cost. Launching shows the items in the containers but with take buttons but it will not take them out. Any ideas?
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