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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Thanks for the advice. I ended up removing one of the rocket fuel tanks and vertically doubling up the "tail fin" aileron at the end of the plane. It still falls like a rock at speeds too high for my computer to let me safely land it anywhere, but at least it works on the runways now. Though getting it on the runway early enough that it can slow down can be a challenge, but that's part of the fun! Overall I think it's the best spaceplane I've built in terms of stability in FAR; certainly the best since nuFAR. http://imgbox.com/FZuKHuTC http://imgbox.com/FFMBlEP5 Another question: What is the reference area of a plane? I assumed it was the surface area of the wings; but it increases and decreases dramatically whenever I add new parts. Or is FAR just removing a lot more area from what it considers wings than I would expect? If so, is there a simple heuristic I can use to guess at how it will change by adding a new part?
  2. Hi, I've created the following craft for FAR and am having trouble landing it. I believe my problem largely lies with the high AoA requirement at lower velocities I think, as it basically falls like a rock below 150 m/s; which is rather high to land at for someone who's never been good at landing in the first place. Having the craft fall through the landscape glitch at high velocities doesn't help the landing experience, either :/. http://imgbox.com/RMw8ZYYZ http://imgbox.com/Dh8QAzQr http://imgbox.com/7BNTkM2e http://imgbox.com/dkh3F8PK http://imgbox.com/cWK0cK7r Other than that, so long as you don't exceed structural tolerances, it flies quite well. Ironically, it even flies well in stock as well except for taking off. Would anyone have suggestions on how to improve its handling at low velocities? Or am I just a terrible pilot? Ideally it would retain it's overall shape and ability to reach orbit; I am able to reach orbit if I remove one of the rocket fuel tanks, though it's much more difficult. Thanks
  3. It depends on your design, but I'd say it's unlikely from my own past experience :'(
  4. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone knew how one might add in more orange suit kerbals to an existing save? The save file itself doesn't seem to contain the information, at least as far as I could tell, so I was wondering if either I missed something or if I might be able to do it by writing a plugin to do it for me. This isn't really a big deal, just a personal preference I'd like to satisfy , so if anyone happens to know, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
  5. It was brilliant of Squad to advertise this mod today of all days (her birthday). Or it was today a half hour ago...
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