First off, I really enjoy your mod as it adds a realistic dynamic to space. The only question I have for you is have you considered using AVC (Addon Version Checker) version files? It helps us that don't check the forums as often as we probably should to see if updates have been released. There are only two files that you would need to do different. One in the master file and one in the latest release download file. If the end user has AVC installed and upon starting the game, the mod will check the .version file in the master file to local GameData .version file. An idea of the of what to use for the TacLifeSupport.version file: { "NAME": "TacLifeSupport", "URL": "", "DOWNLOAD": "", "VERSION": { "MAJOR": 0, "MINOR": 8, "PATCH": 0 }, "KSP_VERSION": { "MAJOR": 0, "MINOR": 24, "PATCH": 2 } }