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Posts posted by Rolanvorxariat

  1. Hello, Kerbonauts! I haven't been playing Kerbal Space Program recently due to a lack of interest and time, as well as various tech problems, but now that I have time and there is 64 bit, I can get back into playing it. The only problem remaining is interest, and probably "noobishness" too. So, how should I get started again? Maybe suggest something I should build, a easy challenge, or something.

  2. Annnd... Still doesn't work. I made a folder in gamedata: Gamedata/Custom Flags/ Flags but it still doesn't work. Heck, some of the flags I deleted(not agency flags, regular flags) are still there when I load the game. My mods work fine, I installed KIS and all the items are there. All my flags are 256x160 png images. What am I doing wrong? 

    EDIT: It works, nvm. Solved!

  3. Hello again, Kerbonauts! I got back into KSP after watching Vaos' entire Solar Nations series(definitely worth a watch), and being myself, I had to do roleplay and Space Racey things. So, I made some nice flags, and plopped them in the >Gamedata>Squad>Flags folder. I load up KSP. No new flags, but I have all my flags I added from 1.0.5. Is there anything I'm doing wrong, or is it a bug with 1.1?

    Also I have Hyperedit, CxAerospace Space Station Parts, Kerbinside/KK, Taurus 3.75M Capsule, and some other base part mods.

  4. Since I've gotten back on the Forums, I decided to do some artsy-things with my new artsy hobbies. So, I decided to make a planetball map of the Kerbol System. It's nothing fancy, just a simple drawing, but if I ever do individual celestial bodies, expect better quality. This took roughly 2 hours to draw. Made in ProCreate on my iPad. Oh, and I also might do something like Commissioner Tadpole, the original creator of the Kerbal Planetball (Kerb-ball?) Komics, with the comic strips. :P


    EDIT: new version up! ( mistake there- by "Bop stronk", I meant "Pol stronk". Bop is the Kawaii kraken thingie.


    Also,for some apparent reason, the "Add a poll" thing that I normally see is gone. Huh.

    EDIT: My new profile pic,based off the iconic Polandball "Of Happenings".


    Also, Flag map of Kerbin and Some Planetball Art, coming soon

    Finally finished with a artwork! I drew Laythe because it is Laythe. Jool is glaring at Tylo, so his eyes are not in it. Feel free to give feedback!


    Added new one! I really

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