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Manwith Noname

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    Taster of rainbows

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  1. It is part of the base package. You might have a mod that interferes?
  2. I take it you are still using the version from CKAN? Please use the version provided with the recolour download. If that doesn't fix it, you may be experiencing a conflict with other shader mods you have installed. Also of note, might be worth uninstalling a few things. You are installing things that are increasing your load time but ultimately failing to function. As one example, you apparently have the OPT recolour pack installed but not the OPT mod.
  3. Maybe. Which TU are you using? Also make sure the rendering quality preset is good or higher.
  4. @Spartwo Yes, it is technically possible to have both stock and restock models available and maintain the recolour functionality on stock parts unless things have changed. Not sure if anyone ever did it but it needs Restock to be reconfigured so it adds everything as new parts instead of using and replacing existing part names. The blacklist would also need to become a whitelist. It's fairly simple but time consuming as you need to handwrite each part. An example from the Restock wiki... https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/wiki/Restoring-Stock-Parts
  5. I would look at the MK4 Spaceplane pack as it is another Nertea mod and follows his same methodology. For this part in particular it looks like you need to setup a material section in to your TextureSet that covers the mesh CommonHatchRound. As an example of multi material setup of a Nertea part, see below...
  6. Your best bet for setting the recolour set as default is by find and replace in the standardised config. I've covered this previously in this thread. Basically each texture set should mostly have common suffixes so finding currenttextureset = Default_ and replacing it with currenttextureset = MWNN_Stock_Paint will sort that in a jiffy... well use correct syntax and words, I'm just going from memory. Having it painted in something other than RGB needs the colour block presets changing in the texture set and that really will need a module manager patch. It's something I had considered doing long ago but I avoided it because half the point was for people to colour parts / craft themselves. Edit: Example for finding and replace... https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/174188-112x-textures-unlimited-recolour-depot/?do=findComment&comment=3481141
  7. This is likely due to your graphics settings in game causing the reflection probe to be disabled. You need the reflection refresh mode to be set to something other than "off" but also your overall graphics preset needs to be "good" (I think) or better.
  8. If you are using this to install Textures Unlimited, simply replace the dll with the one that is bundled with the Stock Recolour pack or if necessary, uninstall TU from CKAN and manually install the supplied version. P.S. Sometimes fairings do not behave themselves but the result when that happens in my experience is different from what you have shown and typically happens after a revert to hangar if I recall correctly.
  9. @Phoenics Going to guess from your description of the errors you do not have the base stock recolour pack installed or you are missing a dependency for whatever pack you are trying to use.
  10. No. The included ReadMe file should state the one exception. The dll is taken from the dev branch as it contains an important feature relating to PartVariant integration. Certain parts of the configs do not work correctly without this dll as is stated in the OP and the ReadMe. I am also not aware of what version number should be stated in the version file as the dev branch file is the same as the master last I looked.
  11. @Spartwo Hehe, I don't know what the forum software is doing or if it is my currently inebriated state but that should be the link on the front page?! Is it not redirecting others to the overall GitHub releases page? Edit: Ok, even while...tipsy...I have changed the link to the overall releases pages...that seems weird to me but we should be good!
  12. Kill your foes in style Thanks to the time and dedication of @Spartwo you can now paint BD Armoury parts for added flare in your simulated war games. Link in the opening post. @InterstellarKev Maybe at some point if nobody else does. I don't have the DLC. I've considered getting it but I have not really played KSP in years, I only load it up to make colour packs. @grandmastergoober Unfortunately Restock is not currently paintable. @jebycheek Another unfortunate response, not easily solvable. Needs a shader wizard to fix and as of now, that's not me. Happy coronation weekend everyone. Long live the King!
  13. @JadeOfMaar Well, at least I'm likely not going mad. Thanks, that's good to know.
  14. @daddydante88 The current most effective way is to use the save and load pattern buttons on each part. It would conceivably be possibly to program an "apply to all" sort of logic in to the base TU plugin but it's not something that exists and I suspect it is unlikely to unless I learn C# and a whole load of best practices. An alternative if you wish to start from something other than the red, green and blue bases is to decide on a useful palette, configure colours if required and then point to them in the base texture set config. The base texture set ultimately looks like this once the commented out lines are removed... The main, second and detail colours in the COLORS block can be set to anything configured as a colour preset but you would need to do this prior to loading the game. You can find colour preset files in the base TU folder or in amongst the recolour files for a reference to create new ones or find appropriate existing ones to assign.
  15. Forgive this drunken old fool if this was covered in the comments above and I missed it or I have made some sort of faux pas but...what am I missing?
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